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WIP ERC-20 Data DAO built on Tableland and Polygon

This repo is a WIP.


The main example token is /contracts/TokenHolders.sol and the /contracts/TokenHoldersGov.sol. Both of which were initially crafted in and then supplemented in this repo. For development purposes, both are wrapped in proxy contracts.

There is an additional example in /contracts/GameIndex/ which shows how to limit the ability of the DAO to only modify data in a single table (created on contract initialization).

Finally, there is an example using NFT for membership instead of ERC20 in /contracts/NFTMembership.


The token contracts are written using access control roles. You can wire the contracts together using and after granting the governance contract the ability to execute the TABLELAND_ROLE functions, you can then vote using governance.

You can use Tally to connect to your governance contract and host proposals & votes:


You must have a .env file with the following information

PRIVATE_KEY={your wallet key with a balance of matic}
POLYGONSCAN_API_KEY={your polyscan api key for pushing the abi}
POLYGON_MUMBAI_API_KEY={your alchemy api key for mumbai}


npm install

Start Tableland locally

npm run tableland

Deploy to local hardhat

npm run local or upgrade npm run localup

Deploy to ERC-20 token to Mumbai

npm run deploy

Deploy to Gov contract to Mumbai

npm run deploy-gov

Change example you deploy

For now, you modify the contents of scripts/deploy.ts and scripts/deploy-gov.ts and scripts/upgrade.ts to point at the implementations in the contracts/GameIndex folder instead. Be sure to change their imports and the contract name they try to push.


This example is not maintained.