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Cantemo Portal and iconik Metadata List Builders

These scripts can import or export the values in Portal or iconik metadata fields with "choices" options. Input files can be either flat text files with a single value (choice) per line, or a csv file where the first column are keys, second column are values. All keys will be slugified first before being added.

The script can also be used to export a list of choices from one system and import them into the other.


  • Cantemo Portal or iconik
  • Python 3.x
  • requests


After having the prerequisites in place this script requests be installed. You can install requests with pip.

pip install -r requirements.txt


There are now separate scripts for Portal and iconik. They have different syntax.

Cantemo Portal [-h] [-u USERNAME] -p PASSWORD -a ADDRESS -f FIELD -i FILE_PATH

iconik [-h] -u appId -s Auth Token -f FIELD [-a ADDRESS] -i FILE_PATH

Portal Options overview

short flag long flag description
-h --help show this help message and exit
-u <USENAME> --username <USERNAME> Portal username, uses "admin" if not set
-p <PASSWORD> --password <PASSWORD> Portal password
-a <ADDRESS> --address <ADDRESS> IP Address or DNS name of Portal server
-f <FIELD> --field <FIELD> Portal metadata field
-i <FILE_PATH> --input-file <PATH> Key/Value input file (line delimited values or csv key/value pairs)
-o <FILE_PATH> --output-file <PATH> Key/Value output file (line delimited csv)

You have to specify either the -i or -o option.

iconik options overview

short flag long flag description
-h --help show this help message and exit
-u <App ID> --appId <App ID> iconik appId that is allowed to edit your metadata field
-s <Auth Token> --authToken <PASSWORD> iconik Auth Token that is allowed to edit your metadata field
-a <ADDRESS> --address <ADDRESS> iconik URL (default is Not required for public iconik
-f <FIELD> --field <FIELD> iconik metadata field key
-i <FILE_PATH> --input-file <PATH> Key/Value input file (line delimited values or csv key/value pairs)
-o <FILE_PATH> --output-file <PATH> Key/Value input file (line delimited csv)

You have to specify either the -i or -o option.

Example Syntax

Portal Example python ./ -p password -a -i ~/Desktop/listfile.txt -f portal_mf257027

iconik Example python ./ -u 28de8d18-f6ed-11e7-817e-0a680a3c0121 -s eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImlhdCI6MTUxNjM3NDc1MiwiZXhwIjozMDkzMTc0FlNy04Yzk3LTBhNTgwYTNjMDEyYSJ9.OEPy3_vJMeauW1EngQEBz3pWxQUpWvpte7Z6QozUs_w -i ~/Desktop/listfile.txt -f Departments

Export from Portal and import to iconik example

python ./ -p password -a -i -o export.csv -f portal_mf257027
`python ./ -u 28de8d18-f6ed-11e7-817e-0a680a3c0121 -s eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImlhdCI6MTUxNjM3NDc1MiwiZXhwIjozMDkzMTc0FlNy04Yzk3LTBhNTgwYTNjMDEyYSJ9.OEPy3_vJMeauW1EngQEBz3pWxQUpWvpte7Z6QozUs_w  -i export.csv -f Departments`

Input file Syntax

The general syntax of these files are


where the key is the string that will be stored in the asset/item metadata and the value is what is displayed to the user. In portal these are called key/value and in iconik these are called value/label. The syntax of the files are the same so the output from one script can be fed as the input to the other.

The input files can be a simple list of values:

value 1
value 2
value 3

In this case, the keys will be slugified versions of the values, so value-1 , value 1.

It can be a CSV file with two columns:

key1,value 1
key2,value 2
key3,value 3


"key1","value 1"
"key2","value 2"
"key3","value 3"

This will also slugify keys but leave values intact.

Or it can be a mix of both:

value 1
key2, value 2
"key 3","value 3"


Script to batch load in metadata choice elements for Cantemo Portal






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