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AsyncHTTPClient Transport for Swift OpenAPI Generator

A client transport that uses the HTTPClient type from the AsyncHTTPClient library to perform HTTP operations.

Use the transport with client code generated by Swift OpenAPI Generator.

Supported platforms and minimum versions

macOS Linux iOS tvOS watchOS visionOS
✅ 10.15+ ✅ 13+ ✅ 13+ ✅ 6+ ✅ 1+


Add the package dependency in your Package.swift:

.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),

Next, in your target, add OpenAPIAsyncHTTPClient to your dependencies:

.target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: [
    .product(name: "OpenAPIAsyncHTTPClient", package: "swift-openapi-async-http-client"),

Then, to get started, check out AsyncHTTPClientTransport.


To learn more, check out the full documentation.