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An Errbot plugin that queries Prometheus via it's API

For many of the built-in promql commands to work, you'll need to configure your Prometheus instance to scrape Alertmanagers as well as your hosts via NetData. This is done by default for swarmstack users who have installed Prometheus/Alertmanager/NetData using the swarmstack.yml playbook. If you wish to modify the included commands, consider forking this Github repo and altering for your own needs. The swarmstack errbot-docker project also includes facilities for you to install locally-modified plugins directly into a Docker container if hosting your own copy via public or private repo isn't an option for you.

If you need an Errbot docker image, see swarmstack/errbot-docker, you will need to configure your Errbot's webserver (documented in that project) before proceeding to configure Errbot plugins such as errbot-promql below.

The default configuration string displayed by calling !plugin config PromQL can be used as-shown below for swarmstack users. Otherwise, replace http://prometheus (below) with your Prometheus server IP or hostname.


repos install

plugin config PromQL {'PROMQL_URL': 'http://prometheus:9090/api/v1'}


repos update swarmstack/errbot-promql


You: help
c3po: 1:46PM

Query Prometheus via it's API

promql <query> - Execute a PromQL query against Prometheus and return pretty json results
promql alerts - Current alert counts from Prometheus
promql cpu - Current averaged CPU metrics of all or partial host via NetData from Prometheus
promql cpufree - Current free CPU of all or partial host via NetData from Prometheus
promql lowest - Current lowest free CPU, memory, and root filesystem host via NetData from Pr...
promql lowestcpufree - Current lowest free CPU host via NetData from Prometheus
promql lowestmemfree - Current lowest free memory host NetData from Prometheus
promql lowestrootfree - Current lowest free root filesystem host via NetData from Prometheus
promql memfree - Current free memory of all or partial host via NetData from Prometheus
promql raw <query> - Execute a PromQL query against Prometheus and return raw json results
promql rootfree - Current free root filesystem of all or partial host via NetData from Prometheus


You: promql rootfree
c3po: 1:46 PM
Host: 3.5GB (34%) root filesystem free
Host: 2.2GB (22%) root filesystem free
Host: 2.9GB (29%) root filesystem free

You: promql rootfree 01
c3po: 1:46 PM
Host: 3.5GB (34%) root filesystem free

You: promql lowest
c3po: 1:46 PM
Host: 97.7% cpu idle
Host: 28269MB (93%) memory free/cached
Host: 2.2GB (22%) root filesystem free

You: promql bottomk(1, alertmanager_alerts{state="active"})
c3po: 1:46 PM
"status": "success",
"data": {
    "resultType": "vector",
    "result": [
            "metric": {
                "__name__": "alertmanager_alerts",
                "instance": "",
                "job": "alertmanager",
                "state": "active"
            "value": [