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Kafka to RDBMs export demo

This project illustrates an approach for exporting Avro records from Kafka to a DB.

The mechanism is agnostic of the actual Avro schema: the records are read as GenericRecords and the corresponding SQL INSERT statement is executed, mapping each avro field to a DB column. Nested Avro fields are simply prefixed with their parent name.

The target DB table is assumed to already exist.

The implementation is based on Akka streams, Alpakka, Slick (JDBC) and Avro4s.

How to run the demo:

Create the source Kafka topic:

kafka-topics \
    --create \
    --zookeeper ${ZOOKEEPER_URL} \
    --replication-factor 3 \
    --partitions 2 \
    --topic demo-input

Create the target DB setup

In a psql shell, create the target destination database:

create database kafka_to_sql_demo;
create user kafkademo with password 'secret' ;

Create the destination table inside that database:

The columns of the DB must be made of:

  • all field of the kafka key, prefixed with kafka_key
  • all fields of the value
  • _kafka_offset and _kafka_offset
  • order of columns does not matter: inserts are done per key.

For example, give our DataModel.scala, we have in DB:

create table pizzas (

    -- metadata added to enable restartability
    _kafka_offset bigint,
    _kafka_partition int,

    -- kafka key fields are prefixed with kafka_key
    kafka_key_id int,

    -- fields of the value
    name text,
    vegetarian boolean,
    vegan boolean,
    calories int,

    -- nested fields are prefixed with the parent name
    chef_name text,
    chef_firstname text


Launch the basic data-generator

Update the data-generator application.conf as appropriate, then:

sbt "runMain com.svend.demo.DataGeneratorApp"

Execute the main function

sbt "runMain com.svend.demo.IngestDemo"


To be fixed:

  • Due to the way I build SQL queries with Slick, I only support records with exactly known number of fields :(
  • Not all Avro types are supported, though all primitives are there, + optional fields and nested records.


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