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Project Setup

  1. If you have issues with the following steps, restart your command line application in Administrator mode, turn off Windows Defender "Real-time protection" and "Cloud-based protection", close Visual Studio and other programs, delete all files in %APPDATA%\npm-cache, and try again. Issue reported here: npm/npm#18380
  2. Install Node.js/npm from
  3. Run npm install -g npm@5.3
  4. Run npm install -g webpack
  5. Git clone project to your machine from
  6. Open the Sseko.Web directory that you just cloned in your command line
  7. Run webpack --config webpack.config.vendor.js
  8. Run webpack. There may be some type errors.

Critical Note

Tsx import file urls are case sensitive, but there are no warnings or errors in intellisense, and the errors that webpack produces when you capitalize an import file url wrong are useless. Make sure that imports are cased properly.

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