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[DEPRECATED] Revs-Indexer-Service for use with StanfordSync infrastructure


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Code to harvest Revs metadata from DOR and index it into Solr for the Revs Digital Library application


  • checkout code

  • rake config

  • edit config/settings.yml file to add in actual solr URLs for each target (for local work only)

  • bundle install

Rake Tasks For Indexing Druids

All rake tasks that perform batch indexing will generate log files in the “log” folder within the app itself. You can tail the log file to watch the progress. The log file is also useful since you can pass it to the “reindexer” rake task to retry just the errored out druids. The name of the log file will depend on which rake task you are running, and will be timestamped to be unique.

Index a single druid:

rake index RAILS_ENV=production target=revs_prod druid=oo000oo0001

Index a list of druids from a pre-assembly run, a remediation run, or a simple CSV:

rake log_indexer RAILS_ENV=production target=revs_prod log_file=/tmp/mailander_1.yaml log_type=preassembly # preassembly run nohup rake log_indexer RAILS_ENV=production target=revs_prod log_file=/tmp/mailander_1.yaml log_type=preassembly & # for a long running process, which will be most runs that have more than a few dozen druids, nohup it

rake log_indexer RAILS_ENV=production target=revs_prod log_file=/tmp/mailander_1_remediate.yaml log_type=remediate # remediation run

rake log_indexer RAILS_ENV=production target=revs_prod log_file=/tmp/mailander.csv log_type=csv # a simple csv file – it must have a header line, with the header of “druid” definining the items you wish to index

Index an entire collection, including the collection itself, along with all of its members (be sure to check the dor-fetcher-url parameter in the Rails environment you are running under to be sure it is connecting where you expect):

rake collection_indexer RAILS_ENV=production target=revs_prod collection_druid=oo000oo0001 nohup rake collection_indexer RAILS_ENV=production target=revs_prod collection_druid=oo000oo0001 & # for a long running process, e.g. a collection with more than a few dozen druids, nohup it

Re-Index Just Errored Out Items

If you had errors when indexing from a preassembly/remediation log or from indexing an entire collection, you can re-run the errored out druids only with the log file. All log files are kept in the log folder in the revs-indexer-service app.

rake reindexer RAILS_ENV=production target=revs_prod file=log/logfile.log

nohup rake reindexer RAILS_ENV=production target=revs_prod file=log/logfile.log & # probably no need to nohup unless there were alot of errors

Testing on the command line and indexing a single document

rails c

indexer =

# to just perform an index of a document:
indexer.index(pid,{'revs'=>true}) # do the full indexing (including posting to solr), the 'revs' indicates the configured solr url target in the solr.yml config file

indexer.delete pid # delete the druid (from all targets!! so be careful)

# to manually test out mapping
solr_doc =

Running tests

bundle exec rspec spec

Should be run automatically via Travis-CI


bundle exec cap production deploy   # for production
bundle exec cap staging deploy      # for staging
bundle exec cap development deploy  # for development