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Mount cifs shares using encrypted credentials

Cifscloak is a simple python script for encrypting and storing cifs credentials.
In short, it is a wrap around 'mount -t cifs' with user credentials encrypted and stored in a sqlite database.

Tested so far

Ubuntu 20.04, Redhat, Centos, Oracle Linux, python3.8.

Quick start:

1/ Install

Latest: sudo pip3 install git+
sudo python3 -m pip install cifscloak

Script installs to:
Included an easier console script name at v1.0.29
Now you can type 'cifsfs' command instead of 'cifscloak'

2/ Create an encrypted cifstab and add cifs mounts.
cifscloak addmount --name <give_name_to_mount> --sharename <share_name> --mountpoint <mount_point> --i <cifs_server_address> --options <cifs_mount_options> --user cifsusername

sudo cifscloak addmount -n films -s myfilms -m /mnt/films -i myfileserver -o "ro" -u cifsuser

sudo cifscloak addmount -n games -s mygames -m /mnt/games -i myfileserver -u cifsuser

3/ Mount one or more cifs shares.
cifscloak mount --names
Or mount all shares.
cifscloak mount -a

sudo cifscloak mount -n films games

4/ Unmount one or more cifs shares.
cifscloak mount -u --names
Or unmount all cifs shares named in cifstab
cifscloak mount -u -a

sudo cifscloak -u -n films games

5/ List cifs share aliases stored in the cifstab.

sudo cifscloak listmounts

"films": {
"name": "films",
"host": "myfileserver",
"share": "myfilms",
"mountpoint": "/mnt/films",
"options": "ro"
"games": {
"name": "games",
"host": "myfileserver",
"share": "mygames",
"mountpoint": "/mnt/games",
"options": ""

6/ Remove one or more cifs shares from the cifstab.
cifscloak removemounts --names

sudo cifscloak removemounts -n films games

7/ Create systemd file.

sudo cifscloak systemdfile -a

#Generated by cifscloak

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/cifscloak mount -a -r 6
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/cifscloak mount -u -a


sudo cifscloak systemdfile -a > /etc/systemd/system/cifscloak.service
systemctl enable cifscloak
systemctl start cifscloak


python3 -m pip uninstall cifscloak
rm /root/.cifstab


This utility should be run through sudo or directly as root.

When executed as the root user the following directory and files are created the first time that the script is executed:

0755 /root/.cifstab/
0400 /root/.cifstab/.keyfile
0644 /root/.cifstab/.cifstab.db

cryptography.fernet is used to generate the .keyfile and take care of encryption.
sqlite3 is used to store encrypted cifs information into /root/.cifstab/.cifstab.db

Of course if you have the .keyfile and cifstab.db it is really easy to decrypt and display the passwords.
Be sure that the cifscloak script is not writable by anyone except root otherwise it would be trivial for a user to modify the script to have it write out the passwords somewhere next time the script is executed.

For example:

550 /usr/bin/cifscloak

The .cifstab directory is created in the home (~) directory of the user running the script, the directory can also be overridden with environment variable 'CIFSCLOAK_HOME' e.g.

export CIFSCLOAK_HOME='/home/sudoofus'

This will have the effect of creating the following .cifstab directory


Alternatively the .cifstab directory is created in the home directory of whichever user is running the script.


sudo cifscloak addmount -n films -s myfilms -m /mnt/films -i myfileserver -o "ro" -u cifsuser

sqlite> .schema cifstab

        PRIMARY KEY (name)

Everything apart from the name rests encypted.
sqlite> select * from cifstab;


Mount cifs shares at boot time through systemd

Cifscloak can generate a simple systemd file that seems to work fine for me on Ubuntu and Centos 8.
Initially I did not write in any retry mechanism because it just felt sloppy but after systemd gave me a bit of a ride ( through my lack of understanding ) and after reading the documentation ( which suggested that causing the boot to wait is bad ), I instead wrote in a retry. Retrying 6 times seems to get the mounts sorted during boot, -r 6 is added to the systemd file by default.

  • Mountpoint directories are automatically created with default permissions.


cifscloak -h

usage: cifscloak [-h] {addmount,mount,removemounts,listmounts} ...

cifscloak - command line utility for mounting cifs shares using encrypted passwords

positional arguments:
addmount Add a cifs mount to cifstab, addmount -h for help
mount Mount cifs shares, mount -h for help
removemounts Remove cifs mounts from cifstab. removemount -h for help
listmounts Display cifstab shares

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

cifscloak addmount -h

usage: cifscloak addmount [-h] -n NAME -s SHARENAME -i IPADDRESS -m MOUNTPOINT -u USER [-o OPTIONS]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NAME, --name NAME Connection name e.g identifying server name
Share name
Server address or ipaddress
Mount point
-u USER, --user USER User name
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Allows a password to be specified on the command line, otherwise getpass is used and password entry is hidden
-o OPTIONS, --options OPTIONS
Quoted csv options e.g. "domain=mydomain,ro"

cifscloak removemounts -h

usage: cifscloak removemounts [-h] -n NAMES [NAMES ...]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NAMES [NAMES ...], --names NAMES [NAMES ...]
Remove cifs mounts e.g. -a films music

cifscloak mount -h

usage: cifscloak mount [-h] [-u] [-r RETRIES] [-w WAITSECS] (-n NAMES [NAMES ...] | -a)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u Unmount the named cifs shares, e.g -a films music
-r RETRIES, --retries RETRIES
Optional ( default: 3 ) - Retry count, useful when systemd is in play
-w WAITSECS, --waitsecs WAITSECS
Optional ( default: 5 seconds ) - Wait time in seconds between retries
-n NAMES [NAMES ...], --names NAMES [NAMES ...]
Mount reference names, e.g -n films music. --names and --all are mutually exclusive
-a, --all Mount everything in the cifstab.

cifscloak systemdfile -h

usage: cifscloak systemdfile [-h] (-n NAMES [NAMES ...] | -a)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NAMES [NAMES ...], --names NAMES [NAMES ...]
Add named shares to the systemd unit file
-a, --all Add all cifstab shares to the systemd unit file

Shout out

Thank you to mgazzin ( ) for suggesting CIFSCLOAK_HOME, implemented in v1.0.27

Thank you to thesnipiid ( ) for improving reliability by suggesting quotes around the password field, implemented in v1.0.27