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Rust and ML

Simple introduction into Rust. From Hello World to ML.

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curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Overview of Examples

1. rust_intro

  • Introduces cargo and rustc commands
  • Guides through building a simple program

2. maturin-pyo3

  • Introduces building Python modules with Rust
  • Illustrates performance benefits of Rust over Python

3. opencv-rs

  • More advanced example of using Rust binding for OpenCV C++ API
  • Shows examples of imutable (&) and mutable (&mut) borrowing in Rust

4. control-net-rs

  • An example of ControlNet in Rust. This example makes use of two ML focused crates:
    • tch-rs: Rust bindings for the PyTorch C++ API
    • diffusers-rs: A Rust implementation of HuggingFace's Diffusers Python library. Written with tch.

5. candle-examples

  • Introduces candle, a minimalist ML framework for Rust
  • Contains two examples
    • mnist: Builds a simple two-layer model to classify MNIST digits
    • gpt-rs: Rust implementation of Andrej Karpathy's "Let's build GPT" tutorial