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v1.0.0.BETA - Now running on Grails3

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@dularion dularion released this 06 Jun 17:23

Reworked the entire application to run with grails3. please use with caution, especially when using an existing database. please backup everything before playing around with this beta :)

Now running the application is easier than ever, you even have the option to run it with an embedded database, so no need for mysql!

for embedded database

all you need is java!
just run the following command and you're all good to go!
java -Dgrails.env=production-no-mysql -jar streama-0.1.war
Note: the database is not in-memory but a separate file created next to your war file, so your data isn't lost when you restart the app.

for mysql database

you will need java and mysql.
just run the following command and you're all good to go!
java -Dgrails.env=prod -jar streama-0.1.war