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Release v0.7.0

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@gb119 gb119 released this 15 May 19:49
· 1200 commits to master since this release

First release o the new 0.7.0 stable branch.

The current stable version is 0.7. Features of 0.7 include
* Replace older AnalyseFile and PlotFile with mixin based versions AnalysisMixin and PlotMixin
* Addition of Stoner.Image package to handle image analysis
* Refactor DataFolder to use Mixin classes
* DataFolder now defaults to using Stoner.Core.Data
* DataFolder has an options to skip iterating over empty Data files
* Further improvements to Stoner.Core.DataFile.setas handline.

0.7 will continue to have bug fix releases and back-ports of anything very useful. This is also the first release that has had continuous integration testing and unit test coverage monitoring. For this version we aim to keep unit test coiverage > 70%.