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SkidSteer is a Python class-based framework for data analysis workflows, designed with bioinformatic pipelines in mind and inspired by the Ruffus package.



Base Classes

These classes are defined in


This class represents a task to be performed by the pipeline. It has attributes and methods that set the task's input & output directories and files.


A PipelineTask which ultimately invokes a command to run on the shell, using a wrapper to the Python subprocess package.


A PipelineTask which can hold custom Python code.

User Defined Classes

In order to use SkidSteer, the user should create subclasses of ShellTask and PythonTask for their pipeline tasks. These should be held in the file. See for examples.


Some notable object methods include:

  • build_command: All classes should have a build_command method, which is used to build a shell command to run (ShellTask) or should contain custom Python code to run (PythonTask). This method should be filled in by the user.

  • run: All classes will come with the run method, which invokes build_command and runs the generated command, if applicable. The user should not modify this method.


The complete list of tasks to be run in the pipeline are held in Task objects should be created in the build_pipeline_task_list function, and added to a task_list in the desired order of completion. The run_pipeline function will evaluate and run each task in the list.

Design Goals

The following goals were considered in the development of the SkidSteer package:

  • modularity of adding and managing tasks
  • linear pipeline task completion
  • standardized input/output file mapping (as much as possible)
  • room for user to implement own methods & techniques inside of tasks
  • object oriented system
  • linear object class inheritance (no diamond inheritance or multiple inheritance)
  • Python 2.7/3+ compatible
  • the main pipeline script (e.g. should be easy to read and follow; sequester complex program logic in external modules (e.g., etc.)

The following aspects were actively avoided in the creation of SkidSteer:

  • complex branching of inheritance or pipeline tasks
  • excessively deep inheritance; currently at 2 base levels + 1 user level, try not to go any deeper

Example Output

The following output can been seen by running the provided example pipeline

$ ./
Running Pipeline

Sample ID is: test2

Now running task: printfoo

Command is:

echo foo

Now running task: fastqc

Command is:
module load fastqc/0.11.4
fastqc --threads 4 --nogroup --outdir output/fastqc input/test2.fastq
/bin/sh: module: command not found
Started analysis of test2.fastq
Analysis complete for test2.fastq
Now running task: bowtie2

Command is:
bowtie2 --local -x "~/ref/iGenomes/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg19/Sequence/Bowtie2Index/genome" -q -U input/test2.fastq --threads 1 | samtools view -@ "1" -Sb1 - | samtools sort -m 2G -@ "1" - -o  "output/bowtie2/test2.bam"
samtools index "output/bowtie2/test2.bam"
10 reads; of these:
  10 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    0 (0.00%) aligned 0 times
    9 (90.00%) aligned exactly 1 time
    1 (10.00%) aligned >1 times
100.00% overall alignment rate

Now running task: bamToBedgraph

Command is:
bedtools genomecov -ibam "output/bowtie2/test2.bam" -g "data/hg19.chrom.sizes_full.txt" -bg > "output/bamToBedgraph/test2.bedgraph"
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n output/bamToBedgraph/test2.bedgraph > output/bamToBedgraph/tmp && /bin/mv output/bamToBedgraph/tmp output/bamToBedgraph/test2.bedgraph

Now running task: bamToBed

Command is:
bamToBed -i output/bowtie2/test2.bam > output/bamToBed/test2.bed
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n output/bamToBed/test2.bed > output/bamToBed/tmp && /bin/mv output/bamToBed/tmp output/bamToBed/test2.bed

Now running task: bedToBigBed

Command is:
bedToBigBed "output/bamToBed/test2.bed" "data/hg19.chrom.sizes_full.txt" "output/bedToBigBed/test2.bigbed"
pass1 - making usageList (8 chroms): 1 millis
pass2 - checking and writing primary data (10 records, 6 fields): 2 millis

Now running task: bedgraphToBigWig

Command is:
bedGraphToBigWig "output/bamToBedgraph/test2.bedgraph" "data/hg19.chrom.sizes_full.txt" "output/bedgraphToBigWig/"

Now running task: python-task

This is some Python code
Now running task: txt2fastq

Command is:
echo "In this step I am going to convert a file"
In this step I am going to convert a file

Output can be seen here:

$ tree output
|-- bamToBed
|   `-- test2.bed
|-- bamToBedgraph
|   `-- test2.bedgraph
|-- bedToBigBed
|   `-- test2.bigbed
|-- bedgraphToBigWig
|   `--
|-- bowtie2
|   |-- test2.bam
|   `-- test2.bam.bai
|-- fastqc
|   |-- test2_fastqc.html
|   `--
|-- printfoo
|-- python-task
`-- txt2fastq

Why SkidSteer?

Because the best pipeline is one you built yourself.


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