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Paul Duvall edited this page Oct 8, 2017 · 4 revisions

In order to run all of the examples, you will need to need to run through the following steps:

Create or access an AWS Account and grant IAM privileges

  1. Go to the Amazon Web Services page.
  2. Select Create a Free Account.
  3. If you don’t have any account with AWS, choose I'm a New User; Otherwise, select enter your credentials.
  4. Enter your login information, contact and billing information and read/accept AWS terms. During the account creation process, you will need to enter a code into your phone for verification purposes.
  5. Once you've completed the registration process, you will be sent an email with further instructions. You can access the console at anytime by clicking the link here.
  6. Setup a new user and permissions using the IAM Console.

Fork the DevOps Essentials GitHub repository

  1. If you don't have a GitHub account, create a free one by going to GitHub Signup. Make a note of the userid you created (will refer to as YOURGITHUBUSERID)
  2. Login to your GitHub account.
  3. Go to the devops-essentials GitHub repository.
  4. Click the Fork button. A message will display "Where do you want to fork this to?".
  5. Click on the button that displays Fork to YOURGITHUBUSERID.
  6. The command for cloning the DevOps Essentials GitHub repository will look something like this - git clone

Create an OAuth token in GitHub

To integrate with GitHub, AWS CodePipeline uses OAuth tokens. Go to GitHub's Token Settings to generate your token and ensure you enable the following two scopes:.

  • admin:repo_hook, which is used to detect when you have committed and pushed changes to the repository
  • repo, which is used to read and pull artifacts from public and private repositories into a pipeline

Create an EC2 Key Pair

  1. Access the list of key pairs by going to this link.
  2. Select Create Key Pair and enter a unique name in the Key Pair Name field and select Create.
  3. Save the file onto your computer for future use. Select Close.

Install and Configure the AWS CLI

  1. Follow the Installing the AWS Command Line Interface instructions. Configure your AWS CLI, using this command: aws configure
  2. For more information, see Configuring the AWS CLI.