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scheffle committed Aug 16, 2023
2 parents ea0364b + fb7060c commit 65c353f
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Showing 121 changed files with 8,825 additions and 3,958 deletions.
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions vstgui/contrib/datepicker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// This file is part of VSTGUI. It is subject to the license terms
// in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
// distribution and at

#pragma once

#include "../lib/iexternalview.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>

namespace VSTGUI {
namespace ExternalView {

class DatePicker : public ViewAdapter
DatePicker ();
~DatePicker () noexcept;

struct Date
int32_t day {0};
int32_t month {0};
int32_t year {0};
void setDate (Date date);

using ChangeCallback = std::function<void (Date)>;
void setChangeCallback (const ChangeCallback& callback);

bool platformViewTypeSupported (PlatformViewType type) override;
bool attach (void* parent, PlatformViewType parentViewType) override;
bool remove () override;

void setViewSize (IntRect frame, IntRect visible) override;
void setContentScaleFactor (double scaleFactor) override;

void setMouseEnabled (bool state) override;

void takeFocus () override;
void looseFocus () override;

void setTookFocusCallback (const TookFocusCallback& callback) override;

struct Impl;
std::unique_ptr<Impl> impl;

} // ExternalView
196 changes: 196 additions & 0 deletions vstgui/contrib/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
// This file is part of VSTGUI. It is subject to the license terms
// in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
// distribution and at

#import "datepicker.h"
#import "externalview_nsview.h"

namespace VSTGUI {
namespace ExternalView {

struct DatePickerDelegate : RuntimeObjCClass<DatePickerDelegate>
using DoneCallback = std::function<void ()>;
using ValidateCallback = std::function<void (NSDate**, NSTimeInterval*)>;

static constexpr const auto DoneCallbackVarName = "DoneCallback";
static constexpr const auto ValidateCallbackVarName = "ValidateCallback";

static id allocAndInit (DoneCallback&& doneCallback, ValidateCallback&& callback)
id obj = Base::alloc ();
initWithCallbacks (obj, std::move (doneCallback), std::move (callback));
return obj;

static Class CreateClass ()
return ObjCClassBuilder ()
.init ("DatePickerDelegate", [NSObject class])
.addProtocol ("NSDatePickerCellDelegate")
.addMethod (@selector (datePickerCell:validateProposedDateValue:timeInterval:),
.addMethod (@selector (complete:), complete)
.addIvar<ValidateCallback> (ValidateCallbackVarName)
.addIvar<DoneCallback> (DoneCallbackVarName)
.finalize ();

static id initWithCallbacks (id self, DoneCallback&& doneCallback, ValidateCallback&& callback)
if ((self = makeInstance (self).callSuper<id (), id> (@selector (init))))
auto instance = makeInstance (self);
if (auto var = instance.getVariable<DoneCallback> (DoneCallbackVarName))
var->set (doneCallback);
if (auto var = instance.getVariable<ValidateCallback> (ValidateCallbackVarName))
var->set (callback);
return self;

static void complete (id self, SEL cmd, id sender)
if (auto var = makeInstance (self).getVariable<DoneCallback> (DoneCallbackVarName))
const auto& callback = var->get ();
if (callback)
callback ();

static void validate (id self, SEL cmd, NSDatePickerCell* datePickerCell,
NSDate* _Nonnull* _Nonnull proposedDateValue,
NSTimeInterval* _Nullable proposedTimeInterval)
if (auto var = makeInstance (self).getVariable<ValidateCallback> (ValidateCallbackVarName))
const auto& callback = var->get ();
if (callback)
callback (proposedDateValue, proposedTimeInterval);

struct DatePicker::Impl : ExternalNSViewBase<NSDatePicker>
using Base::Base;

id delegate {nil};
ChangeCallback changeCallback;

#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
~Impl () noexcept
if (delegate)
[delegate release];

DatePicker::DatePicker ()
impl = std::make_unique<Impl> ([[NSDatePicker alloc] initWithFrame: {0., 0., 10., 10.}]);
impl->view.datePickerStyle = NSDatePickerStyleTextField;
impl->view.datePickerMode = NSDatePickerModeSingle;
impl->view.datePickerElements = NSDatePickerElementFlagYearMonthDay;
if (@available (macOS 10.15.4, *))
impl->view.presentsCalendarOverlay = YES;
impl->view.dateValue = [NSDate date];
impl->view.calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
[impl->container addSubview:impl->view];

impl->delegate = DatePickerDelegate::allocAndInit (
[impl = impl.get ()] () {
if (impl->changeCallback)
auto dateValue = impl->view.dateValue;
auto calendar = impl->view.calendar;
auto components = [calendar
components:NSCalendarUnitYear | NSCalendarUnitMonth | NSCalendarUnitDay
Date date; = static_cast<int32_t> (;
date.month = static_cast<int32_t> (components.month);
date.year = static_cast<int32_t> (components.year);
impl->changeCallback (date);
[] (NSDate** date, NSTimeInterval* time) {
// TODO: add validation mechanism
impl->view.delegate = impl->delegate;
impl-> = impl->delegate;
impl->view.action = @selector (complete:);

DatePicker::~DatePicker () noexcept {}

void DatePicker::setDate (Date date)
auto calendar = impl->view.calendar;
auto dateComponents = [NSDateComponents new];
dateComponents.calendar = calendar; =;
dateComponents.month = date.month;
dateComponents.year = date.year;
impl->view.dateValue = [calendar dateFromComponents:dateComponents];

void DatePicker::setChangeCallback (const ChangeCallback& callback)
impl->changeCallback = callback;

bool DatePicker::platformViewTypeSupported (PlatformViewType type)
return impl->platformViewTypeSupported (type);

bool DatePicker::attach (void* parent, PlatformViewType parentViewType)
return impl->attach (parent, parentViewType);

bool DatePicker::remove () { return impl->remove (); }

void DatePicker::setViewSize (IntRect frame, IntRect visible)
impl->setViewSize (frame, visible);

void DatePicker::setContentScaleFactor (double scaleFactor)
impl->setContentScaleFactor (scaleFactor);

void DatePicker::setMouseEnabled (bool state) { impl->setMouseEnabled (state); }

void DatePicker::takeFocus () { impl->takeFocus (); }

void DatePicker::looseFocus () { impl->looseFocus (); }

void DatePicker::setTookFocusCallback (const TookFocusCallback& callback)
impl->setTookFocusCallback (callback);

} // ExternalView
132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions vstgui/contrib/datepicker_win32.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@

#include "datepicker.h"
#include "externalview_hwnd.h"
#include "vstgui/lib/platform/win32/win32factory.h"

#include <CommCtrl.h>

namespace VSTGUI {
namespace ExternalView {

struct DatePicker::Impl : ExternalHWNDBase
using Base::Base;

~Impl () noexcept
if (font)
DeleteObject (font);

ChangeCallback changeCallback;
HFONT font {nullptr};

DatePicker::DatePicker ()
auto hInstance = getPlatformFactory ().asWin32Factory ()->getInstance ();
impl = std::make_unique<Impl> (hInstance);
impl->child = CreateWindowExW (0, DATETIMEPICK_CLASS, TEXT ("DateTime"),
80, 20, impl->container.getHWND (), NULL, hInstance, NULL);
impl->container.setWindowProc ([this] (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
switch (message)
LPNMHDR hdr = reinterpret_cast<LPNMHDR> (lParam);
switch (hdr->code)
LPNMDATETIMECHANGE lpChange = reinterpret_cast<LPNMDATETIMECHANGE> (lParam);
if (impl->changeCallback)
Date date; = lpChange->st.wDay;
date.month = lpChange->st.wMonth;
date.year = lpChange->st.wYear;
impl->changeCallback (date);
return DefWindowProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);

DatePicker::~DatePicker () noexcept {}

void DatePicker::setDate (Date date)
st.wDay =;
st.wMonth = date.month;
st.wYear = date.year;
DateTime_SetSystemtime (impl->child, GDT_VALID, &st);

void DatePicker::setChangeCallback (const ChangeCallback& callback)
impl->changeCallback = callback;

bool DatePicker::platformViewTypeSupported (PlatformViewType type)
return impl->platformViewTypeSupported (type);

bool DatePicker::attach (void* parent, PlatformViewType parentViewType)
return impl->attach (parent, parentViewType);

bool DatePicker::remove () { return impl->remove (); }

void DatePicker::setViewSize (IntRect frame, IntRect visible)
impl->setViewSize (frame, visible);

void DatePicker::setContentScaleFactor (double scaleFactor)
if (impl->font)
DeleteObject (impl->font);
auto logFont = NonClientMetrics::get ().lfCaptionFont;
logFont.lfHeight = static_cast<LONG> (std::round (logFont.lfHeight * scaleFactor));
impl->font = CreateFontIndirect (&logFont);
if (impl->font)
SendMessage (impl->child, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)impl->font, 0);

void DatePicker::setMouseEnabled (bool state) { impl->setMouseEnabled (state); }

void DatePicker::takeFocus () { impl->takeFocus (); }

void DatePicker::looseFocus () { impl->looseFocus (); }

void DatePicker::setTookFocusCallback (const TookFocusCallback& callback)
impl->setTookFocusCallback (callback);

} // ExternalView

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