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STACKIT SKE - RWX with Longhorn

To enable Read Write Many (RWX) storage on STACKIT SKE clusters follow this guide to install Rancher Lognhorn.


  • Access to an SKE Cluster
  • Helm & Kubectl installed
  • (Optional) S3 Object Storage to store Backups


First we need to setup an Iscsi watchdog Daemonset that is starting the necessary services on the node.

kubectl create namespace iscsi-node
kubectl apply -f enableISCSI.yml

Install Longhorn


helm repo add longhorn
helm repo update
helm install longhorn longhorn/longhorn --namespace longhorn-system --create-namespace -f values.yaml --version $(curl -s | jq -r '.tag_name')

To use the install command provided here you need to have curl and jq installed

Optional: Add the values.yaml to enable the backup and prepare parameters during deployment. See backup section below

Create Longhorn Storage Class

kubectl apply -f storageClass.yaml

Create Test Deployoment

kubectl apply -f example-rwx-deployment.yaml

Backup configuration

If you enabled the Backup via the values.yaml you can now configure the S3 Bucket and the Backup Job, otherwise you can skip this part.

Create Secret for backup on S3 [optional]

kubectl create secret generic <name> \
    --from-literal=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<s3-access-key> \
    --from-literal=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<s3 secret key> \
    --from-literal=AWS_ENDPOINTS='' \
    -n longhorn-system

Create Recurring Backup Job [optional]

kubectl apply -f recurringBackupJob.yaml