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$ ./google-cloud-sdk/


$ brew cask install google-cloud-sdk

To connect to the cluster from gcloud terminal

$ gcloud auth login
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials spms-cluster --zone us-central1-c --project spring-microservices-350123

To configure a project from gcloud terminal

$ gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID>

To get all the nodes of a cluster

$ kubectl get nodes

To get all the pods of a node

$ kubectl get pods

To get all the deployments

$ kubectl get deployments

To get all the services

$ kubectl get services

To get all the replica set of all the pods in a k8s cluster

$ kubectl get replicaset

To get all the components of a k8s cluster

$ kubectl get all

To get all the config maps of a k8s cluster

$ kubectl get configmap

To apply a config maps to a k8s cluster

$ kubectl apply -f <configmap_file.yml>
outout: configmap/spring-microservice-configmap created

To delete a config maps from a k8s cluster

$ kubectl delete configmap <configmap_name>