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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

status --- good first issue
status --- good first issue
good for newcomers
status --- help wanted ❤️
status --- help wanted :heart:
we would love your help
status --- high priority
status --- high priority
status --- low priority
status --- low priority
status --- needs testing
status --- needs testing
code is in place but testing is needed
status --- on hold
status --- on hold
started but put in a holding pattern for now
status --- wip
status --- wip
work in progress
topic --- CRAN
topic --- CRAN
necessary to close before pushing to CRAN
topic --- EM
topic --- EM
pertains to the estimation method (EM)
topic --- ghaction
topic --- ghaction
GitHub action
topic --- installation
topic --- installation
troubleshooting or guidance for installing {ss3sim}
topic --- manuscript
topic --- manuscript
pertains to manuscripts based on simulations with ss3sim
topic --- OM
topic --- OM
pertains to the operating model (OM)
topic --- parallel
topic --- parallel
parallel code to decrease run time
topic --- performance
topic --- performance
Rocket like speed is the goal
topic --- r4ss
topic --- r4ss
topic --- results
topic --- results
pertains to generating, reading, or visualizing the results
topic --- sampling
topic --- sampling
sampling of the expected values from the OM
topic --- Stock Synthesis
topic --- Stock Synthesis
related to nmfs-stock-synthesis/stock-synthesis
topic --- testing
topic --- testing
refers to testing of code, particularly {testthat}
topic --- vignette
topic --- vignette
information within a vignette or ideas for vignettes
topic --- website
topic --- website
website generated with {pkgdown}
type --- 🐛
type --- :bug:
an unexpected problem or unintended behavior
type --- documentation
type --- documentation
requires changes to the docs
type --- feature
type --- feature
feature requests and enhancement
type --- question
type --- question
question(s) posed to developers, either regarding code or best practices
type --- upkeep
type --- upkeep
general package maintenance work that makes future development #' easier