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update to ss3sim repo in .yml in create pull request step; #2

update to ss3sim repo in .yml in create pull request step;

update to ss3sim repo in .yml in create pull request step; #2

# This updates the ss3sim binaries and bumps the version
# according to file names and specification in the ss3sim
# and ssmse.
# Note that this should only be run manually for now when
# there are definitely updates, as the version number will
# be changed if the workflow is run, even if there is no
# change to the executables.
# See additional documentation on versioning in a comment
# later in the workflow.
name: Update SS3 version in R package
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Set up Git repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Get the latest stock synthesis binaries
run: |
curl | grep "browser_download_url" | grep -Eo 'https://[^\"]*' | xargs wget
- name: Get the link to the latest release (including version number)
id: get-link-to-release
run: |
link_to_release=$(curl | grep "html_url" | grep 'releases' | grep -Eo 'https://[^\"]*')
release_digits=$(echo "${link_to_release}" | sed 's/https\:\/\/github\.com\/nmfs-stock-synthesis\/stock-synthesis\/releases\/tag\/v3\.30\.//')
echo "link_to_release=${link_to_release}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "release_digits=${release_digits}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# Note on versioning in ss3sim and SSMSE:
# x.yy.z where yy is the "patch" version of the SS3.30 executable,
# e.g., ss3sim will be 1.19.0. This will allow the patch version of {ss3sim}
# to increment while 1.19 will stay the same while we are using SS3.30.19.
# That way users can always know what version of Stock Synthesis is being
# referenced without needing to run the executable. Thus, major version is for
# "major" breaking changes in {ss3sim}, "minor" matches the "patch" version of
# SS3 being used, and "patch" is for small changes to {ss3sim} while using a
# given version of SS3.
- name: Bump version using sed. Match SS3 version followed by 0
run: |
sed -r -i 's/(Version: ?[0-9]+\.)([0-9]+\.[0-9+])/echo "\1${{ steps.get-link-to-release.outputs.release_digits }}.0"/ge' DESCRIPTION
- name: Move exes to the right location
run: |
mv ss_linux inst/bin/Linux64/ss
mv ss_win.exe inst/bin/Windows64/ss.exe
mv ss_osx inst/bin/MacOS/ss
rm ss_opt_osx
rm ss_opt_linux
rm ss_opt_win.exe
- name: Change permissions for mac and linux exes
run: |
chmod a+x inst/bin/Linux64/ss
chmod a+x inst/bin/MacOS/ss
- name: Create Pull Request
uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3

Check failure on line 65 in .github/workflows/update-ss3-version.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/update-ss3-version.yml

Invalid workflow file

You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 65
commit-message: |
Update ss3 binaries
From ${{ steps.get-link-to-release.outputs.link_to_release }}
branch: update-ss3
title: 'Update ss3 binaries'
body: |
Auto-generated by [update-ss3-version.yml][1]. Binaries from ${{ steps.get-link-to-release.outputs.link_to_release }}.
# [1]: