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Simon Portegies Zwart edited this page Aug 28, 2023 · 15 revisions


This course is unsuitable for students with little or no affinity for programming or astrophysics. To successfully finish this course, you will need

  • Know-how and expertise in:
  • A BSc in astronomy or astrophysics
  • fundamental knowledge of LINUX
  • Basic knowledge of the Python programming language


You will require some software to follow the course. Ideally, you own a desktop or laptop computer, but in principle, all calculations can be performed with a simple university student account. The assignments are tuned explicitly for small computers and hardly require more than a few minutes (or a few hours for the more challenging assignments) of computing time. In case of more demanding calculations, we will make a 64-core workstation and the ALICE Tier-2 supercomputer available. For seriously challenging tasks, we will use the national supercomputer Cartesius (this requires the writing of a proposal)


  • Operating system:
    You will be running the course software on a LINUX machine. It is not recommended to use any commercial operating system (ever). The software works on any LINUX distro, but we have tested the assignments using Ubuntu Linux version 22.04 LTS

  • Plotting package
    Most plotting is done with the matplotlib or seaborn plotting packages, but you can use other packages.

  • The Astrophysics Multipurpose Software Environment
    We will be using AMUSE.

Please ensure all the required software is installed correctly on your computer before the start of the course.

Latex template for proposal and report.