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Add transformation functions and test
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spencerw committed Dec 13, 2023
1 parent 07c2014 commit 8ba59fc
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# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pyproject.toml
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"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
dependencies = []
dependencies = ['numpy', 'scipy']

"Homepage" = ""
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class Keplercalc:
def hello(self, name):
return 'Hello ' + name + '!'
import numpy as np
from mathhelpers import cross, dot, nr, PQW
from scipy import optimize

def hello(name):
return 'Hello ' + name + '!'

def cart2kep(X, Y, Z, vx, vy, vz, m1, m2):
Convert an array of cartesian positions and velocities
(in heliocentric coordinates) to an array of kepler orbital
elements. Units are such that G=1. This function is
fully vectorized.
X: numpy array of floats
X position of body
Y: numpy array of floats
Y position of body
Z: numpy array of floats
Z position of body
vx: numpy array of floats
x velocity of body
vy: numpy array of floats
y velocity of body
vz: numpy array of floats
z velocity of body
m1: float
mass of central body
m2: numpy array of floats
mass of orbiting body
numpy array of floats
a, e, inc, asc_node, omega, M - Semimajor axis, eccentricity
inclination, longitude of ascending node, longitude of
perihelion and mean anomaly of orbiting body

mu = m1 + m2
magr = np.sqrt(X ** 2. + Y ** 2. + Z ** 2.)
magv = np.sqrt(vx ** 2. + vy ** 2. + vz ** 2.)

hx, hy, hz = cross(X, Y, Z, vx, vy, vz)
magh = np.sqrt(hx ** 2. + hy ** 2. + hz ** 2.)
tmpx, tmpy, tmpz = cross(vx, vy, vz, hx, hy, hz)
evecx = tmpx / mu - X / magr
evecy = tmpy / mu - Y / magr
evecz = tmpz / mu - Z / magr

e = np.sqrt(evecx ** 2. + evecy ** 2. + evecz ** 2.)

a = dot(hx, hy, hz, hx, hy, hz) / (mu * (1. - e ** 2.))

ivec = [1., 0., 0.]
jvec = [0., 1., 0.]
kvec = [0., 0., 1.]

inc = np.arccos(dot(kvec[0], kvec[1], kvec[2], hx, hy, hz) / magh)

nx, ny, nz = cross(kvec[0], kvec[1], kvec[2], hx, hy, hz)
nmag = np.sqrt(nx ** 2. + ny ** 2. + nz ** 2.)
asc_node = np.where(inc == 0., 0., np.arccos(dot(ivec[0], ivec[1], ivec[2], nx, ny, nz) / nmag))
asc_node[dot(nx, ny, nz, jvec[0], jvec[1], jvec[2]) < 0.] = 2. * np.pi - asc_node[
dot(nx, ny, nz, jvec[0], jvec[1], jvec[2]) < 0.]

omega = np.where(inc == 0., np.arctan2(evecy / e, evecx / e),
np.arccos(dot(nx, ny, nz, evecx, evecy, evecz) / (nmag * e)))
omega[dot(evecx, evecy, evecz, kvec[0], kvec[1], kvec[2]) < 0.] = 2. * np.pi - omega[
dot(evecx, evecy, evecz, kvec[0], kvec[1], kvec[2]) < 0.]

theta = np.arccos(dot(evecx, evecy, evecz, X, Y, Z) / (e * magr))
theta = np.where(dot(X, Y, Z, vx, vy, vz) < 0., 2 * np.pi - theta, theta)

E = np.arccos((e + np.cos(theta)) / (1 + e * np.cos(theta)))
E = np.where(np.logical_and(theta > np.pi, theta < 2 * np.pi), 2 * np.pi - E, theta)
M = E - e * np.sin(E)

return a, e, inc, asc_node % (2 * np.pi), omega, M

def kep2cart(sma, ecc, inc, Omega, omega, M, mass, m_central):
Convert a single set of kepler orbital elements into cartesian
positions and velocities. Units are such that G=1.
sma: float
semi-major axis body
ecc: float
eccentricity of body
inc: float
inclination of body
Omega: float
longitude of ascending node of body
omega: float
longitude of perihelion of body
M: float
Mean anomaly of body
mass: float
mass of body
m_central: float
mass of central body
X, Y, Z, vx, vy, vz - Cartesian positions and velocities
of the bodies

if inc == 0.:
Omega = 0.
if ecc == 0.:
omega = 0.
E = nr(M, ecc)

X = sma * (np.cos(E) - ecc)
Y = sma * np.sqrt(1. - ecc**2.) * np.sin(E)
mu = m_central + mass
n = np.sqrt(mu / sma**3.)
Edot = n / (1. - ecc * np.cos(E))
Vx = - sma * np.sin(E) * Edot
Vy = sma * np.sqrt(1. - ecc**2.) * Edot * np.cos(E)

Px, Py, Pz, Qx, Qy, Qz = PQW(Omega, omega, inc)

# Rotate Positions
x = X * Px + Y * Qx
y = X * Py + Y * Qy
z = X * Pz + Y * Qz

# Rotate Velocities
vx = Vx * Px + Vy * Qx
vy = Vx * Py + Vy * Qy
vz = Vx * Pz + Vy * Qz

return x, y, z, vx, vy, vz

def kep2poinc(a, e, i, omega, Omega, M , m1, m2):
Convert kepler orbital elements into Poincaire variables.
Can accept either single values or lists of coordinates
a: float
semi-major axis body
ecc: float
eccentricity of body
inc: float
inclination of body
Omega: float
longitude of ascending node of body
omega: float
longitude of perihelion of body
M: float
Mean anomaly of body
mass: float
mass of body
m_central: float
mass of central body
lam, gam, z, Lam, Gam, Z - Poincaire coordinates

mu = m1 + m2
mustar = m1*m2/(m1 + m2)

lam = M + omega + Omega
gam = -omega - Omega
z = -Omega
Lam = mustar*np.sqrt(mu*a)
Gam = mustar*np.sqrt(mu*a)*(1 - np.sqrt(1 - e**2))
Z = mustar*np.sqrt(mu*a*np.sqrt(1 - e**2))*(1 - np.cos(i))

return lam, gam, z, Lam, Gam, Z

def kep2del(a, e, i, omega, Omega, M , m1, m2):
Convert kepler orbital elements into Delunay variables.
Can accept either single values or lists of coordinates
a: float
semi-major axis body
ecc: float
eccentricity of body
inc: float
inclination of body
Omega: float
longitude of ascending node of body
omega: float
longitude of perihelion of body
M: float
Mean anomaly of body
mass: float
mass of body
m_central: float
mass of central body
l, g, h, L, G, H - Delunay coordinates

L = np.sqrt((m1 + m2)*a)
G = L*np.sqrt(1 - e**2)
H = G*np.cos(i)
l = M
g = omega
h = Omega

return l, g, h, L, G, H

def kep2mdel(a, e, i, omega, Omega, M, m1, m2):
Convert kepler orbital elements into modified Delunay variables.
Can accept either single values or lists of coordinates
a: float
semi-major axis body
ecc: float
eccentricity of body
inc: float
inclination of body
Omega: float
longitude of ascending node of body
omega: float
longitude of perihelion of body
M: float
Mean anomaly of body
mass: float
mass of body
m_central: float
mass of central body
Lam, P, Q, lam, p, q - Delunay coordinates

L = np.sqrt((m1 + m2)*a)
G = L*np.sqrt(1 - e**2)
H = G*np.cos(i)
l = M
g = omega
h = Omega

Lam = L
P = L - G
Q = G - H
lam = l + g + h
p = -g - h
q = -h
return Lam, P, Q, lam, p, q
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import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize

# Vectorized cross and dot product functions
def cross(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2):
xc = y1 * z2 - z1 * y2
yc = z1 * x2 - x1 * z2
zc = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2
return xc, yc, zc

def dot(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2):
return x1*x2+y1*y2+z1*z2

# Solve for true anomaly using newton-raphson iteration
# Works with a single value or a list of mean anomalies
def nr(M, ecc):
def kep(E, M, ecc):
return E - (ecc*np.sin(E)) - M

if isinstance(M, list):
return optimize.newton(kep, np.ones(len(M)), args=(M, ecc))
return optimize.newton(kep, 1.0, args=(M, ecc))

def PQW(Omega, omega, inc):
Rotation Matrix Components (Orbit Frame => Inertial Frame) (End) (Eqn. 2.30)
NB: Shapiro Notation Tricky; Multiplies x = R.T * X, Dresden x = R * X

Px = np.cos(omega) * np.cos(Omega) - \
np.sin(omega) * np.cos(inc) * np.sin(Omega)
Py = np.cos(omega) * np.sin(Omega) + \
np.sin(omega) * np.cos(inc) * np.cos(Omega)
Pz = np.sin(omega) * np.sin(inc)

Qx = - np.sin(omega) * np.cos(Omega) - \
np.cos(omega) * np.cos(inc) * np.sin(Omega)
Qy = - np.sin(omega) * np.sin(Omega) + \
np.cos(omega) * np.cos(inc) * np.cos(Omega)
Qz = np.sin(inc) * np.cos(omega)

return Px, Py, Pz, Qx, Qy, Qz
46 changes: 44 additions & 2 deletions tests/
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from unittest import TestCase
from keplercalc import Keplercalc
import numpy as np
from keplercalc import hello, kep2cart, cart2kep

class TestKeplercalc(TestCase):
def test_hello1(self):
output = Keplercalc.hello('Spencer')
output = hello('Spencer')
self.assertEqual(output, 'Hello Spencer!')

def test_cart2kep2cart(self):
tol = 1e-10

# Earth orbiting Sun, slightly inclined so angles are defined
m1, m2 = 1, 1e-20

a = 1
e = 0.05
inc = 0.1
asc_node = np.pi
omega = np.pi
M = np.pi

X, Y, Z, vx, vy, vz = kep2cart(a, e, inc, asc_node, omega, M, m1, m2)

self.assertTrue(np.fabs(X - -1.05) < tol)
self.assertTrue(np.fabs(Y - 3.782338790704024e-16) < tol)
self.assertTrue(np.fabs(Z - -2.5048146051777413e-17) < tol)
self.assertTrue(np.fabs(vx - -3.490253699036788e-16) < tol)
self.assertTrue(np.fabs(vy - -0.9464377445249709) < tol)
self.assertTrue(np.fabs(vz - 0.09496052074620637) < tol)

a, e, inc, asc_node, omega, M = cart2kep(X, Y, Z, vx, vy, vz, m1, m2)

self.assertTrue(np.fabs(a - 1) < tol)
self.assertTrue(np.fabs(e - 0.05) < tol)
self.assertTrue(np.fabs(inc - 0.1) < tol)
self.assertTrue(np.fabs(asc_node - np.pi) < tol)
self.assertTrue(np.fabs(omega - np.pi) < tol)
self.assertTrue(np.fabs(M - np.pi) < tol)

# Now try converting back to cartesian
X1, Y1, Z1, vx1, vy1, vz1 = kep2cart(a, e, inc, asc_node, omega, M, m1, m2)

self.assertTrue(np.fabs(X1 - X) < tol)
self.assertTrue(np.fabs(Y1 - Y) < tol)
self.assertTrue(np.fabs(Z1 - Z) < tol)
self.assertTrue(np.fabs(vx1 - vx) < tol)
self.assertTrue(np.fabs(vy1 - vy) < tol)
self.assertTrue(np.fabs(vz1 - vz) < tol)

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