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@julgus julgus released this 11 Jul 06:37
· 35 commits to master since this release


Major changes

This maintenance release includes query optimizations and essential bug fixes. We highly recommend that all users upgrade to the newest version to benefit from the latest improvements.

Complete changelog

#33 General pipeline optimizations
#34 Count optimization
#35 Anonymous Lambda reordering
#182 Sometimes JPA Stream doesn't load properties with relationships
#345 Fieldgenerator yields ReferenceField instead of ComparableField
#348 Fieldgenerator should not accept private getter
#352 Illegal reuse of criteria for count()-operator
#353 Merger applies all limit()-operators
#354 Merger should only apply limits under certain conditions
#355 Interopoptimizer should only squash adjacent filters and sorts that use the JPAStreamer metamodel