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@julgus julgus released this 16 Feb 15:41
· 173 commits to master since this release

Issues fixed
#290 Allow metamodel output/package customization
#280 The Class$ convention does not work in VS Code

This release enables customization of the package and name of the generated entities. Settings are applied using compiler arguments that can be set using the Maven compiler plugin. The following settings are available:

  • jpaStreamerPackage: The package name for the generated entities
  • jpaStreamerPrefix: Entity name prefix
  • jpaStreamerSuffix: Entity name suffix

Here is an example that will place the generated entities in target/generated-sources/annotations/com/speedment/jpastreamer/test. The counterpart of an entity named Foo.class will be named AFooB.class. Note that prior defaults apply if no settings are provided.
