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Releases: spack/spack

v0.22.0 (2024-05-12)

12 May 10:38
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v0.22.0 is a major feature release.

Features in this release

  1. Compiler dependencies

    We are in the process of making compilers proper dependencies in Spack, and a number
    of changes in v0.22 support that effort. You may notice nodes in your dependency
    graphs for compiler runtime libraries like gcc-runtime or libgfortran, and you
    may notice that Spack graphs now include libc. We've also begun moving compiler
    configuration from compilers.yaml to packages.yaml to make it consistent with
    other externals. We are trying to do this with the least disruption possible, so
    your existing compilers.yaml files should still work. We expect to be done with
    this transition by the v0.23 release in November.

    • #41104: Packages compiled with %gcc on Linux, macOS and FreeBSD now depend on a
      new package gcc-runtime, which contains a copy of the shared compiler runtime
      libraries. This enables gcc runtime libraries to be installed and relocated when
      using a build cache. When building minimal Spack-generated container images it is
      no longer necessary to install libgfortran, libgomp etc. using the system package

    • #42062: Packages compiled with %oneapi now depend on a new package
      intel-oneapi-runtime. This is similar to gcc-runtime, and the runtimes can
      provide virtuals and compilers can inject dependencies on virtuals into compiled
      packages. This allows us to model library soname compatibility and allows
      compilers like %oneapi to provide virtuals like sycl (which can also be
      provided by standalone libraries). Note that until we have an agreement in place
      with intel, Intel packages are marked redistribute(source=False, binary=False)
      and must be downloaded outside of Spack.

    • #43272: changes to the optimization criteria of the solver improve the hit-rate of
      buildcaches by a fair amount. The solver more relaxed compatibility rules and will
      not try to strictly match compilers or targets of reused specs. Users can still
      enforce the previous strict behavior with require: sections in packages.yaml.
      Note that to enforce correct linking, Spack will not reuse old %gcc and
      %oneapi specs that do not have the runtime libraries as a dependency.

    • #43539: Spack will reuse specs built with compilers that are not explicitly
      configured in compilers.yaml. Because we can now keep runtime libraries in build
      cache, we do not require you to also have a local configured compiler to use the
      runtime libraries. This improves reuse in buildcaches and avoids conflicts with OS
      updates that happen underneath Spack.

    • #43190: binary compatibility on linux is now based on the libc version,
      instead of on the os tag. Spack builds now detect the host libc (glibc or
      musl) and add it as an implicit external node in the dependency graph. Binaries
      with a libc with the same name and a version less than or equal to that of the
      detected libc can be reused. This is only on linux, not macos or Windows.

    • #43464: each package that can provide a compiler is now detectable using spack external find. External packages defining compiler paths are effectively used as
      compilers, and spack external find -t compiler can be used as a substitute for
      spack compiler find. More details on this transition are in
      the docs

  2. Improved spack find UI for Environments


    If you're working in an enviroment, you likely care about:

    • What are the roots
    • Which ones are installed / not installed
    • What's been added that still needs to be concretized

    We've tweaked spack find in environments to show this information much more
    clearly. Installation status is shown next to each root, so you can see what is
    installed. Roots are also shown in bold in the list of installed packages. There is
    also a new option for spack find -r / --only-roots that will only show env
    roots, if you don't want to look at all the installed specs.

    More details in #42334.

  3. Improved command-line string quoting

    We are making some breaking changes to how Spack parses specs on the CLI in order to
    respect shell quoting instead of trying to fight it. If you (sadly) had to write
    something like this on the command line:

    spack install zlib cflags=\"-O2 -g\"

    That will now result in an error, but you can now write what you probably expected
    to work in the first place:

    spack install zlib cflags="-O2 -g"

    Quoted can also now include special characters, so you can supply flags like:

    spack intall zlib ldflags='-Wl,-rpath=$ORIGIN/_libs'

    To reduce ambiguity in parsing, we now require that you not put spaces around =
    and == when for flags or variants. This would not have broken before but will now
    result in an error:

    spack install zlib cflags = "-O2 -g"

    More details and discussion in #30634.

  4. Revert default spack install behavior to --reuse

    We changed the default concretizer behavior from --reuse to --reuse-deps in
    #30990 (in v0.20), which meant that every spack install invocation would
    attempt to build a new version of the requested package / any environment roots.
    While this is a common ask for upgrading and for developer workflows, we don't
    think it should be the default for a package manager.

    We are going to try to stick to this policy:

    1. Prioritize reuse and build as little as possible by default.
    2. Only upgrade or install duplicates if they are explicitly asked for, or if there
      is a known security issue that necessitates an upgrade.

    With the install command you now have three options:

    • --reuse (default): reuse as many existing installations as possible.
    • --reuse-deps / --fresh-roots: upgrade (freshen) roots but reuse dependencies if possible.
    • --fresh: install fresh versions of requested packages (roots) and their dependencies.

    We've also introduced --fresh-roots as an alias for --reuse-deps to make it more clear
    that it may give you fresh versions. More details in #41302 and #43988.

  5. More control over reused specs

    You can now control which packages to reuse and how. There is a new
    concretizer:reuse config option, which accepts the following properties:

    • roots: true to reuse roots, false to reuse just dependencies
    • exclude: list of constraints used to select which specs not to reuse
    • include: list of constraints used to select which specs to reuse
    • from: list of sources for reused specs (some combination of local,
      buildcache, or external)

    For example, to reuse only specs compiled with GCC, you could write:

         roots: true
         - "%gcc"

    Or, if openmpi must be used from externals, and it must be the only external used:

        roots: true
        - type: local
          exclude: ["openmpi"]
        - type: buildcache
          exclude: ["openmpi"]
        - type: external
          include: ["openmpi"]
  6. New redistribute() directive

    Some packages can't be redistributed in source or binary form. We need an explicit
    way to say that in a package.

    Now there is a redistribute() directive so that package authors can write:

    class MyPackage(Package):
        redistribute(source=False, binary=False)

    Like other directives, this works with when=:

    class MyPackage(Package):
        # 12.0 and higher are proprietary
        redistribute(source=False, binary=False, when="@12.0:")
        # can't redistribute when we depend on some proprietary dependency
        redistribute(source=False, binary=False, when="^proprietary-dependency")

    More in #20185.

  7. New conflict: and prefer: syntax for package preferences

    Previously, you could express conflicts and preferences in packages.yaml through
    some contortions with require::

        - one_of: ["%clang", "@:"]   # conflict on %clang
        - any_of: ["+shared", "@:"]  # strong preference for +shared

    You can now use require: and prefer: for a much more readable configuration:

        - "%clang"
        - "+shared"

    See the documentation
    and #41832 for more details.

  8. include_concrete in environments

    You may want to build on the concrete contents of another environment without
    changing that environment. You can now include the concrete specs from another
    environment's spack.lock with include_concrete:

         specs: []
             unify: true
         - /path/to/environment1
         - /path/to/environment2

    Now, when this environment is concretized, it will bring in the already concrete
    specs from environment1 and environment2, and build on top of them without
    changing them. This is useful if you have phased de...

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v0.21.2 (2024-03-01)

05 Mar 04:13
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  • Containerize: accommodate nested or pre-existing spack-env paths (#41558)
  • Fix setup-env script, when going back and forth between instances (#40924)
  • Fix using fully-qualified namespaces from root specs (#41957)
  • Fix a bug when a required provider is requested for multiple virtuals (#42088)
  • OCI buildcaches:
    • only push in parallel when forking (#42143)
    • use pickleable errors (#42160)
  • Fix using sticky variants in externals (#42253)
  • Fix a rare issue with conditional requirements and multi-valued variants (#42566)

Package updates

  • rust: add v1.75, rework a few variants (#41161,#41903)
  • py-transformers: add v4.35.2 (#41266)
  • mgard: fix OpenMP on AppleClang (#42933)

v0.21.1 (2024-01-11)

13 Jan 09:22
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New features

  • Add support for reading buildcaches created by Spack v0.22 (#41773)


  • spack graph: fix coloring with environments (#41240)
  • spack info: sort variants in --variants-by-name (#41389)
  • Spec.format: error on old style format strings (#41934)
  • ASP-based solver:
    • fix infinite recursion when computing concretization errors (#41061)
    • don't error for type mismatch on preferences (#41138)
    • don't emit spurious debug output (#41218)
  • Improve the error message for deprecated preferences (#41075)
  • Fix MSVC preview version breaking clingo build on Windows (#41185)
  • Fix multi-word aliases (#41126)
  • Add a warning for unconfigured compiler (#41213)
  • environment: fix an issue with deconcretization/reconcretization of specs (#41294)
  • buildcache: don't error if a patch is missing, when installing from binaries (#41986)
  • Multiple improvements to unit-tests (#41215,#41369,#41495,#41359,#41361,#41345,#41342,#41308,#41226)

Package updates

  • root: add a webgui patch to address security issue (#41404)
  • BerkeleyGW: update source urls (#38218)

v0.21.0 (2023-11-11)

12 Nov 02:35
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v0.21.0 is a major feature release.

Features in this release

  1. Better error messages with condition chaining

    In v0.18, we added better error messages that could tell you what problem happened, but they couldn't tell you why it happened. 0.21 adds condition chaining to the solver, and Spack can now trace back through the conditions that led to an error and build a tree of causes potential causes and where they came from. For example:

    $ spack solve hdf5 ^cmake@3.0.1
    ==> Error: concretization failed for the following reasons:
       1. Cannot satisfy 'cmake@3.0.1'
       2. Cannot satisfy 'cmake@3.0.1'
            required because hdf5 ^cmake@3.0.1 requested from CLI
       3. Cannot satisfy 'cmake@3.18:' and 'cmake@3.0.1
            required because hdf5 ^cmake@3.0.1 requested from CLI
            required because hdf5 depends on cmake@3.18: when @1.13:
              required because hdf5 ^cmake@3.0.1 requested from CLI
       4. Cannot satisfy 'cmake@3.12:' and 'cmake@3.0.1
            required because hdf5 depends on cmake@3.12:
              required because hdf5 ^cmake@3.0.1 requested from CLI
            required because hdf5 ^cmake@3.0.1 requested from CLI

    More details in #40173.

  2. OCI build caches

    You can now use an arbitrary OCI registry as a build cache:

    $ spack mirror add my_registry oci://user/image # Dockerhub
    $ spack mirror add my_registry oci:// # GHCR
    $ spack mirror set --push --oci-username ... --oci-password ... my_registry  # set login creds
    $ spack buildcache push my_registry [specs...]

    And you can optionally add a base image to get runnable images:

    $ spack buildcache push --base-image ubuntu:23.04 my_registry python
    Pushed ... as [image]:python-3.11.2-65txfcpqbmpawclvtasuog4yzmxwaoia.spack
    $ docker run --rm -it [image]:python-3.11.2-65txfcpqbmpawclvtasuog4yzmxwaoia.spack

    This creates a container image from the Spack installations on the host system, without the need to run spack install from a Dockerfile or sif file. It also addresses the inconvenience of losing binaries of dependencies when RUN spack install fails inside docker build.

    Further, the container image layers and build cache tarballs are the same files. This means that spack install and docker pull use the exact same underlying binaries. If you previously used spack install inside of docker build, this feature helps you save storage by a factor two.

    More details in #38358.

  3. Multiple versions of build dependencies

    Increasingly, complex package builds require multiple versions of some build dependencies. For example, Python packages frequently require very specific versions of setuptools, cython, and sometimes different physics packages require different versions of Python to build. The concretizer enforced that every solve was unified, i.e., that there only be one version of every package. The concretizer now supports "duplicate" nodes for build dependencies, but enforces unification through transitive link and run dependencies. This will allow it to better resolve complex dependency graphs in ecosystems like Python, and it also gets us very close to modeling compilers as proper dependencies.

    This change required a major overhaul of the concretizer, as well as a number of performance optimizations. See #38447, #39621.

  4. Cherry-picking virtual dependencies

    You can now select only a subset of virtual dependencies from a spec that may provide more. For example, if you want mpich to be your mpi provider, you can be explicit by writing:

    hdf5 ^[virtuals=mpi] mpich

    Or, if you want to use, e.g., intel-parallel-studio for blas along with an external
    lapack like openblas, you could write:

    strumpack ^[virtuals=mpi] intel-parallel-studio+mkl ^[virtuals=lapack] openblas

    The virtuals=mpi is an edge attribute, and dependency edges in Spack graphs now track which virtuals they satisfied. More details in #17229 and #35322.

    Note for packaging: in Spack 0.21 spec.satisfies("^virtual") is true if and only if the package specifies depends_on("virtual"). This is different from Spack 0.20, where depending on a provider implied depending on the virtual provided. See #41002 for an example where ^mkl was being used to test for several mkl providers in a package that did not depend on mkl.

  5. License directive

    Spack packages can now have license metadata, with the new license() directive:


    Licenses use SPDX identifiers, and you can use SPDX expressions to combine them:

        license("Apache-2.0 OR MIT")

    Like other directives in Spack, it's conditional, so you can handle complex cases like Spack itself:

       license("LGPL-2.1", when="@:0.11")
       license("Apache-2.0 OR MIT", when="@0.12:")

    More details in #39346, #40598.

  6. spack deconcretize command

    We are getting close to having a spack update command for environments, but we're not quite there yet. This is the next best thing. spack deconcretize gives you control over what you want to update in an already concrete environment. If you have an environment built with, say, meson, and you want to update your meson version, you can run:

    spack deconcretize meson

    and have everything that depends on meson rebuilt the next time you run spack concretize. In a future Spack version, we'll handle all of this in a single command, but for now you can use this to drop bits of your lockfile and resolve your dependencies again. More in #38803.

  7. UI Improvements

    The venerable spack info command was looking shabby compared to the rest of Spack's UI, so we reworked it to have a bit more flair. spack info now makes much better use of terminal space and shows variants, their values, and their descriptions much more clearly. Conditional variants are grouped separately so you can more easily understand how packages are structured. More in #40998.

    spack checksum now allows you to filter versions from your editor, or by version range. It also notifies you about potential download URL changes. See #40403.

    image image
  8. Environments can include definitions

    Spack did not previously support using include: with The definitions section of an environment, but now it does. You can use this to curate lists of specs and more easily reuse them across environments. See #33960.

  9. Aliases

    You can now add aliases to Spack commands in config.yaml, e.g. this might enshrine your favorite args to spack find as spack f:

        f: find -lv

    See #17229.

  10. Improved autoloading of modules

    Spack 0.20 was the first release to enable autoloading of direct dependencies in module files.

    The downside of this was that module avail and module load tab completion would show users too many modules to choose from, and many users disabled generating modules for dependencies through exclude_implicits: true. Further, it was necessary to keep hashes in module names to avoid file name clashes.

    In this release, you can start using hide_implicits: true instead, which exposes only explicitly installed packages to the user, while still autoloading dependencies. On top of that, you can safely use hash_length: 0, as this config now only applies to the modules exposed to the user -- you don't have to worry about file name clashes for hidden dependencies.

    Note: for tcl this feature requires Modules 4.7 or higher.

  11. Updated container labeling

    Nightly Docker images from the develop branch will now be tagged as :develop and :nightly The :latest tag is no longer associated with :develop, but with the latest stable release. Releases will be tagged with :{major}, :{major}.{minor} and :{major}.{minor}.{patch}. ubuntu:18.04 has also been removed from the list of generated Docker images, as it is no longer supported. See #40593.

Other new commands and directives

  • spack env activate without arguments now loads a default environment that you do not have to create (#40756).
  • spack find -H / --hashes: a new shortcut for piping spack find output to other commands (#38663)
  • Add spack checksum --verify, fix --add (#38458)
  • New default_args context manager factors out common args for directives (#39964)
  • spack compiler find --[no]-mixed-toolchain lets you easily mix clang and gfortran on Linux (#40902)

Performance improvements

  • spack external find execution is now much faster (#39843)
  • spack location -i now much faster on success (#40898)
  • Drop redundant rpaths post install (#38976)
  • ASP-based solver: avoid cycles in clingo using hidden directive (#40720)
  • Fix multiple quadratic complexity issues in environments (#38771)

Other new features of note

  • archspec: update to v0.2.2, support for Sapphire Rapids, Power10, Neoverse V2 (#40917)
  • Propagate variants across nodes that don't have that variant (#38512)
  • Implement fish completion (#29549)
  • Can now distinguish between source/binary mirror; don't ping as much (#34523)
  • Improve status reporting on install (add [n/total] display...
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v0.20.3 (2023-10-31)

01 Nov 09:34
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  • Fix a bug where spack mirror set-url would drop configured connection info (reverts #34210)
  • Fix a minor issue with package hash computation for Python 3.12 (#40328)

v0.20.2 (2023-10-03)

04 Oct 07:23
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Features in this release

Spack now supports Python 3.12 (#40155)


  • Improve escaping in Tcl module files (#38375)
  • Make repo cache work on repositories with zero mtime (#39214)
  • Ignore errors for newer, incompatible buildcache version (#40279)
  • Print an error when git is required, but missing (#40254)
  • Ensure missing build dependencies get installed when using spack install --overwrite (#40252)
  • Fix an issue where Spack freezes when the build process unexpectedly exits (#39015)
  • Fix a bug where installation failures cause an unrelated NameError to be thrown (#39017)
  • Fix an issue where Spack package versions would be incorrectly derived from git tags (#39414)
  • Fix a bug triggered when file locking fails internally (#39188)
  • Prevent "spack external find" to error out when a directory cannot be accessed (#38755)
  • Fix multiple performance regressions in environments (#38771)
  • Add more ignored modules to pyproject.toml for mypy (#38769)

v0.20.1 (2023-07-10)

10 Jul 12:40
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Spack Bugfixes

  • Spec removed from an environment where not actually removed if --force was not given (#37877)
  • Speed-up module file generation (#37739)
  • Hotfix for a few recipes that treat CMake as a link dependency (#35816)
  • Fix re-running stand-alone test a second time, which was getting a trailing spurious failure (#37840)
  • Fixed reading JSON manifest on Cray, reporting non-concrete specs (#37909)
  • Fixed a few bugs when generating Dockerfiles from Spack (#37766,#37769)
  • Fixed a few long-standing bugs when generating module files (#36678,#38347,#38465,#38455)
  • Fixed issues with building Python extensions using an external Python (#38186)
  • Fixed compiler removal from command line (#38057)
  • Show external status as [e] (#33792)
  • Backported archspec fixes (#37793)
  • Improved a few error messages (#37791)

Full Changelog: v0.20.0...v0.20.1


20 May 23:44
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v0.20.0 (2023-05-21)

v0.20.0 is a major feature release.

Features in this release

  1. requires() directive and enhanced package requirements

    We've added some more enhancements to requirements in Spack (#36286).

    There is a new requires() directive for packages. requires() is the opposite of
    conflicts(). You can use it to impose constraints on this package when certain
    conditions are met:

        msg="This package builds only with clang on macOS"

    More on this in the docs.

    You can also now add a when: clause to requires: in your packages.yaml
    configuration or in an environment:

        - any_of: ["%gcc"]
          when: "@:4.1.4"
          message: "Only OpenMPI 4.1.5 and up can build with fancy compilers"

    More details can be found here

  2. Exact versions

    Spack did not previously have a way to distinguish a version if it was a prefix of
    some other version. For example, @3.2 would match 3.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, etc. You
    can now match exactly 3.2 with @=3.2. This is useful, for example, if you need
    to patch only the 3.2 version of a package. The new syntax is described in the docs.

    Generally, when writing packages, you should prefer to use ranges like @3.2 over
    the specific versions, as this allows the concretizer more leeway when selecting
    versions of dependencies. More details and recommendations are in the packaging guide.

    See #36273 for full details on the version refactor.

  3. New testing interface

    Writing package tests is now much simpler with a new test interface.

    Writing a test is now as easy as adding a method that starts with test_:

    class MyPackage(Package):
        def test_always_fails(self):
            """use assert to always fail"""
            assert False
        def test_example(self):
            """run installed example"""
            example = which(self.prefix.bin.example)

    You can use Python's native assert statement to implement your checks -- no more
    need to fiddle with run_test or other test framework methods. Spack will
    introspect the class and run test_* methods when you run spack test,

  4. More stable concretization

    • Now, spack concretize will only concretize the new portions of the environment
      and will not change existing parts of an environment unless you specify --force.
      This has always been true for unify:false, but not for unify:true and
      unify:when_possible environments. Now it is true for all of them (#37438, #37681).

    • The concretizer has a new --reuse-deps argument that only reuses dependencies.
      That is, it will always treat the roots of your environment as it would with
      --fresh. This allows you to upgrade just the roots of your environment while
      keeping everything else stable (#30990).

  5. Weekly develop snapshot releases

    Since last year, we have maintained a buildcache of develop at, but the cache can grow to contain so many builds
    as to be unwieldy. When we get a stable develop build, we snapshot the release and
    add a corresponding tag the Spack repository. So, you can use a stack from a specific
    day. There are now tags in the spack repository like:

    • develop-2023-05-14
    • develop-2023-05-18

    that correspond to build caches like:

    We plan to store these snapshot releases weekly.

  6. Specs in buildcaches can be referenced by hash.

    • Previously, you could run spack buildcache list and see the hashes in
      buildcaches, but referring to them by hash would fail.
    • You can now run commands like spack spec and spack install and refer to
      buildcache hashes directly, e.g. spack install /abc123 (#35042)
  7. New package and buildcache index websites

    Our public websites for searching packages have been completely revamped and updated.
    You can check them out here:

    Both are searchable and more interactive than before. Currently major releases are
    shown; UI for browsing develop snapshots is coming soon.

  8. Default CMake and Meson build types are now Release

    Spack has historically defaulted to building with optimization and debugging, but
    packages like llvm can be enormous with debug turned on. Our default build type for
    all Spack packages is now Release (#36679, #37436). This has a number of benefits:

    • much smaller binaries;
    • higher default optimization level; and
    • defining NDEBUG disables assertions, which may lead to further speedups.

    You can still get the old behavior back through requirements and package preferences.

Other new commands and directives

  • spack checksum can automatically add new versions to package (#24532)
  • new command: spack pkg grep to easily search package files (#34388)
  • New maintainers directive (#35083)
  • Add spack buildcache push (alias to buildcache create) (#34861)
  • Allow using -j to control the parallelism of concretization (#37608)
  • Add --exclude option to 'spack external find' (#35013)

Other new features of note

  • editing: add higher-precedence SPACK_EDITOR environment variable
  • Many YAML formatting improvements from updating ruamel.yaml to the latest version
    supporting Python 3.6. (#31091, #24885, #37008).
  • Requirements and preferences should not define (non-git) versions (#37687, #37747)
  • Environments now store spack version/commit in spack.lock (#32801)
  • User can specify the name of the packages subdirectory in repositories (#36643)
  • Add container images supporting RHEL alternatives (#36713)
  • make version(...) kwargs explicit (#36998)

Notable refactors

  • buildcache create: reproducible tarballs (#35623)
  • Bootstrap most of Spack dependencies using environments (#34029)
  • Split satisfies(..., strict=True/False) into two functions (#35681)
  • spack install: simplify behavior when inside environments (#35206)

Binary cache and stack updates

  • Major simplification of CI boilerplate in stacks (#34272, #36045)
  • Many improvements to our CI pipeline's reliability

Removals, Deprecations, and disablements

  • Module file generation is disabled by default; you'll need to enable it to use it (#37258)
  • Support for Python 2 was deprecated in v0.19.0 and has been removed. v0.20.0 only
    supports Python 3.6 and higher.
  • Deprecated target names are no longer recognized by Spack. Use generic names instead:
    • graviton is now cortex_a72
    • graviton2 is now neoverse_n1
    • graviton3 is now neoverse_v1
  • blacklist and whitelist in module configuration were deprecated in v0.19.0 and are
    removed in this release. Use exclude and include instead.
  • The ignore= parameter of the extends() directive has been removed. It was not used by
    any builtin packages and is no longer needed to avoid conflicts in environment views (#35588).
  • Support for the old YAML buildcache format has been removed. It was deprecated in v0.19.0 (#34347).
  • spack find --bootstrap has been removed. It was deprecated in v0.19.0. Use spack --bootstrap find instead (#33964).
  • spack bootstrap trust and spack bootstrap untrust are now removed, having been
    deprecated in v0.19.0. Use spack bootstrap enable and spack bootstrap disable.
  • The --mirror-name, --mirror-url, and --directory options to buildcache and
    mirror commands were deprecated in v0.19.0 and have now been removed. They have been
    replaced by positional arguments (#37457).
  • Deprecate env: as top level environment key (#37424)
  • deprecate buildcache create --rel, buildcache install --allow-root (#37285)
  • Support for very old perl-like spec format strings (e.g., $_$@$%@+$+$=) has been
    removed (#37425). This was deprecated in in v0.15 (#10556).

Notable Bugfixes

  • bugfix: don't fetch package metadata for unknown concrete specs (#36990)
  • Improve package source code context display on error (#37655)
  • Relax environment manifest filename requirements and lockfile identification criteria (#37413)
  • drop build edges of installed packages by default (#36707)
  • Bugfix: package requirements with git commits (#35057, #36347)
  • Package requirements: allow single specs in requirement lists (#36258)
  • conditional variant values: allow boolean (#33939)
  • spack uninstall: follow run/link edges on --dependents (#34058)

Spack community stats

  • 7,179 total packages, 499 new since v0.19.0
    • 329 new Python packages
    • 31 new R packages
  • 336 people contributed to this release
    • 317 committers to packages
    • 62 committers to core


08 Apr 12:18
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v0.19.2 (2023-04-04)

Spack Bugfixes

  • Ignore global variant requirement for packages that do not define it (#35037)
  • Compiler wrapper: improved parsing of linker arguments (#35929, #35912)
  • Do not detect apple-clang as cce on macOS (#35974)
  • Views: fix support for optional Python extensions (#35489)
  • Views: fix issue where Python executable gets symlinked instead of copied (#34661)
  • Fix a bug where tests were not added when concretizing together (#35290)
  • Compiler flags: fix clang/apple-clang c/c++ standard flags (#35062)
  • Increase db timeout from 3s to 60s to improve stability of parallel installs (#35517)
  • Buildcache: improve error handling in downloads (#35568)
  • Module files for packages installed from buildcache have long placeholder paths abbreviated in configure args section (#36611)
  • Reduce verbosity of error messages regarding non-existing module files (#35502)
  • Ensure file with build environment variables is truncated when writing to it (#35673)
  • spack config update now works on active environments (#36542)
  • Packages UPC++ and GASNet-EX were updated (#36629)


10 Feb 00:10
Choose a tag to compare

v0.19.1 (2023-02-07)

Spack Bugfixes

  • buildcache create: make "file exists" less verbose (#35019)
  • spack mirror create: don't change paths to urls (#34992)
  • Improve error message for requirements (#33988)
  • uninstall: fix accidental cubic complexity (#34005)
  • scons: fix signature for install_args (#34481)
  • Fix combine_phase_logs text encoding issues (#34657)
  • Use a module-like object to propagate changes in the MRO, when setting build env (#34059)
  • PackageBase should not define builder legacy attributes (#33942)
  • Forward lookup of the "run_tests" attribute (#34531)
  • Bugfix for timers (#33917, #33900)
  • Fix path handling in prefix inspections (#35318)
  • Fix libtool filter for Fujitsu compilers (#34916)
  • Bug fix for duplicate rpath errors on macOS when creating build caches (#34375)
  • FileCache: delete the new cache file on exception (#34623)
  • Propagate exceptions from Spack python console (#34547)
  • Tests: Fix a bug/typo in a fixture (#33886)
  • Various CI fixes (#33953, #34560, #34560, #34828)
  • Docs: remove monitors and analyzers, typos (#34358, #33926)
  • bump release version for tutorial command (#33859)