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Releases: solidfire/PowerShell


10 May 13:57
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The Element PowerShell Tools version 12.3 release expands supported NetApp Element software API methods from 11.0 through version 12.3. This release also contains revised parameters for existing Commandlets.


04 May 13:02
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The Element PowerShell Tools version 12.3 release expands supported NetApp Element software API methods from 11.8 through version 12.3. This release also contains revised parameters for existing Commandlets.


10 Dec 15:49
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Element PowerShell Tools version 1.7 contains the following improvements:
Full cmdlet support for the version 12.2 release of Element software, including security, SSH session management, IdpConfiguration, and SnapMirror support.


12 Apr 15:18
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Hotfix 1.5.1
What's New in this Release
SolidFire PowerShell Tools version 1.5.1 contains the following improvements:

  • (1.5.1) Updated the .NET core reference to fix module import and HTTP requests on Mac OS, CentOS 7.3, and PowerShell 6.0.
  • (1.5.1) Updated the Windows installation instructions to encourage install via PowerShell Gallery instead of the soon-to-bedeprecated
    .msi installer.


29 Nov 17:41
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Release 1.5


13 Jun 19:48
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What's New in this Release

SolidFire PowerShell Tools version 1.4 contains the following improvements:

  • Full cmdlet support for the version 9.1 release of Element OS.
    Improved cmdlet functionality:
  • Set-SFNetworkConfig: Added the parameter DisconnectAfterRequest. Set-SFNetworkConfig has the ability to change the network settings. When a network change occurs, SolidFire is unable to send a response on the same HTTP connection on which the request was received. In the previous release of PowerShell Tools, the cmdlet needed to time out before you could reconnect using the new settings. This new parameter allows you to acknowledge the response is not coming and disconnect the connection immediately after sending the request.
    • Get-SFVolume: Added the parameter ExcludeVVOLs. This parameter filters out any virtual volumes (VVols) from the response.
    • New-SFClusterAdmin has tab-completed values for the -Access parameter. You no longer need to guess or look up possible values for the -Access parameter. Instead, you can tab-complete them.
    • Get-SFDrive: Added the parameter Status. When adding drives, it helps to pull all drives with a status of available using Get-SFDrive and pipe the results into Add-SFDrive. Now you can filter drive results to list
      only available drives and eliminate errors encountered by the Add-SFDrive cmdlet. You can also filter based on any other status, and the value of -Status is tab-completed.
    • Invoke-SFApi: Added the parameter Port. Some commands in the SolidFire API require a different port than the one used with the original connection. This parameter allows you to direct the command to the new port, regardless of the port used by SFConnection.
    • New-SFCluster: Added the parameter -AcceptEula. Element OS version 8.0 required you to accept the EULA before creating cluster, admin, or LDAP users. The New-SFCluster cmdlet now supports the acceptance of the EULA with this switch parameter. Other cmdlets already supported the switch parameter in the PowerShell Tools version 1.3 release.
    • Get-SF* cmdlets no longer throw an exception when you pass in an ID, name, or other search criteria and the cmdlet is unable to find that object. Instead of an exception, no values are returned.

The following are new SolidFire cmdlets in the version 1.4 release:

  • Get-SFHardwareConfig: [Cluster] Gets the hardware configuration information for a node. NOTE: This method is available only through the per-node API endpoint 5.0 or later.
  • Get-SFNetworkInterface: [Cluster] Gets information about each network interface on all nodes in a cluster.
  • Reset-SFDrive: [Cluster] Resets one or more drives to be reused in a node.
  • Reset-SFNode: [Node] Resets one or more nodes in Available state to the factory settings.
  • Restart-SFNetworking: [Node] Restarts networking services on a node.
  • Restart-SFService: [Node] Restarts services on a node.
  • Get-SFServices: [Cluster] Gets the services running on the cluster.
  • Invoke-SFShutdown: [Cluster] Shuts down one or more nodes in a cluster.


01 Feb 17:12
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Resolved Issues

The following items have been corrected. The original ticket number is listed for reference.

Ticket # Description
SDK-493 Cannot connect to an Element OS version 8.6 cluster.
SDK-494 -node switch not working for Element OS version 9.0 Fluorine.
SDK-495 Verbose mode not working using connect-sfcluster.
SDK-496 Element OS version 8.7 Oxygen not down shifting to a lower version.

Version 1.3

25 Jan 21:16
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What's New in this Release

SolidFire PowerShell Tools version 1.3 contains the following improvements: 

  • Full cmdlet support for the version 9.0 release of Element OS.
  • Improved cmdlet functionality:
  • Get-SFVolumeStats: Added ability to pipeline in Volume objects.
  • Connect-SFCluster: Added Timeout parameter.
  • Request and response objects shown when -Verbose flag used on any cmdlet.

The following are new SolidFire cmdlets in the version 1.3 release:

  • Complete-SFClusterPairing: [Cluster] Creates an encoded key from a cluster that is used to pair with another cluster.
  • Complete-SFVolumePairing: [Cluster] Completes the pairing of two volumes.
  • Copy-SFVolume: [Cluster] Copies one volume to another.
  • Disable-SFEncryptionAtRest: [Cluster] Removes the encryption that was previously applied to the cluster using the Enable-SFEncryptionAtRest CmdLet.
  • Enable-SFEncryptionAtRest: [Cluster] Enables the (AES) 256-bit encryption at rest so the cluster can manage the encryption key used for the drives on each node.
  • Enable-SFFeature: [Cluster] Enables cluster features that are disabled by default.
  • Get-SFAsyncStatus: [Cluster] Gets the results of all currently running and completed asynchronous methods on the system.
  • Get-SFClusterHardwareInfo: [Cluster] Gets the hardware status and information for all Fibre Channel nodes, iSCSI nodes, and drives in the cluster. This generally includes manufacturers, vendors, versions, and other associated hardware identification information.
  • Get-SFClusterPair: [Cluster] Lists all of the clusters a cluster is paired with.
  • Get-SFCompleteStats: [Cluster] Used by SolidFire engineering to troubleshoot new features.
  • Get-SFFeatureStatus: [Cluster] Gets the status of a cluster feature.
  • Get-SFHardwareConfig: [Node] Gets the hardware configuration information for a node. NOTE: This method is available only through the per-node API endpoint 5.0 or later.
  • Get-SFInitiator: [Cluster] Lists initiator IQNs or WWPNs.
  • Get-SFLdapConfiguration: [Cluster] Gets the current LDAP configuration on cluster.
  • Get-SFLoginSessionInfo: [Cluster] Gets the period of time a login authentication is valid for both login shells and the TUI.
  • Get-SFLunAssignment: [Cluster] Gets LUN mappings of a specified volume access group.
  • Get-SFNodeHardwareInfo: [Cluster] Gets all the hardware info and status for the node specified. This generally includes manufacturers, vendors, versions, and other associated hardware identification information.
  • Get-SFNodeStats: [Cluster] Gets the high-level activity measurements for a node or all nodes.
  • Get-SFNvramInfo: [Node] Gets information from each node about the NVRAM card.
  • Get-SFPendingOperation: [Node] Detects an operation on a node that is currently in progress.
  • Get-SFProtocolEndpoint: [Cluster] Gets protocol endpoints in the system
  • Get-SFRawStats: [Cluster] Used by SolidFire engineering to troubleshoot new features.
  • Get-SFRemoteLoggingHost: [Cluster] Retrieves the current list of log servers.
  • Get-SFSchedule: [Cluster] Gets the scheduled snapshots on a cluster.
  • Get-SFStorageContainer: [Cluster] Gets information for all storage containers currently in the system.
  • Get-SFStorageContainerEfficiency: [Cluster] Gets efficiency information about a virtual volume storage container.
  • Get-SFSystemStatus: [Cluster] Gets status of nodes in a SolidFire cluster.
  • Get-SFTests: [Node] Gets the tests that are available to run on a node.
  • Get-SFUtilities: [Node] Gets the utilities that are available to run on a node.
  • Get-SFVirtualVolume: [Cluster] Gets a list of the virtual volumes currently in the system. You can use this method to list all virtual volumes, or only list a subset.
  • Get-SFVirtualVolumeBinding: [Cluster] Gets a list of VVol bindings.
  • Get-SFVirtualVolumeCount: [Cluster] Gets the number of virtual volumes currently in the system.
  • Get-SFVirtualVolumeHost: [Cluster] Gets a list of known ESX hosts.
  • Get-SFVirtualVolumeTask: [Cluster] Gets a list of VVol Async Tasks.
  • Get-SFVolumePair: [Cluster] Gets a list of all of the active paired volumes paired with a volume.
  • Get-SFVolumeStatsByVirtualVolume: [Cluster] Gets a list of virtual volume statistics for any virtual volume in system.
  • Invoke-SFApi: [Node/Cluster] A generic cmdlet that invokes any SolidFire API method.
  • New-SFInitiator: [Cluster] Creates multiple new initiator IQNs or World Wide Port Names (WWPNs) and optionally assigns them aliases and attributes.
  • New-SFLdapClusterAdmin: [Cluster] Adds a new LDAP cluster admin.
  • New-SFSchedule: [Cluster] Creates a schedule that will make a snapshot of a volume.
  • New-SFStorageContainer: [Cluster] Creates a new storage container.
  • Remove-SFClusterFault: [Cluster] Removes faults on the cluster.
  • Remove-SFClusterPair: [Cluster] Disconnects the open connections between two clusters created by cluster pairing.
  • Remove-SFInitiator: [Cluster] Deletes one or more initiators from the system (and from any associated volumes or volume access groups).
  • Remove-SFSnapshot: [Cluster] Deletes a snapshot.
  • Remove-SFStorageContainer: [Cluster] Removes a storage container when you provide an ID.
  • Remove-SFVirtualNetwork: [Cluster] Removes a configured virtual network for the cluster.
  • Remove-SFVolumePair: [Cluster] Removes the remote pairing between two volumes.
  • Set-SFClusterFullThreshold: [Cluster] Changes the level at which an event is generated when the storage cluster approaches the capacity utilization requested.
  • Set-SFDefaultQoS: [Cluster] Sets the default Quality of Service (QoS) values (measured in inputs and outputs per second, or IOPS) for all volumes not yet created.
  • Set-SFGroupSnapshot: [Cluster] Modifies a point-in-time snapshot of a group of volumes.
  • Set-SFInitiator: [Cluster] Sets the attributes of an existing initiator.
  • Set-SFLdapAuthentication: [Cluster] Enables or disables LDAP configuration.
  • Set-SFLoginSessionInfo: [Cluster] Sets remote logging from the nodes in the storage cluster to a centralized log server or servers.
  • Set-SFRemoteLoggingHost: [Cluster] Configures remote logging from the nodes in the storage cluster to a centralized log server or servers.
  • Set-SFSchedule: [Cluster] Modifies a schedule which creates a snapshot of a volume.
  • Set-SFSnapshot: [Cluster] Modifies a point-in-time snapshot of a volume.
  • Set-SFStorageContainer: [Cluster] Modifies an existing storage container.
  • Set-SFVolumePair: [Cluster] Pauses or restarts replication between a pair of volumes.
  • Start-SFClusterPairing: [Cluster] Creates an encoded key from a cluster that is used to pair with another cluster.
  • Start-SFVolumeBackup: [Cluster] Initializes a backup (also known as a bulk volume read) session on a specified volume.
  • Start-SFVolumePairing: [Cluster] Creates an encoded key from a volume that is used to pair with another volume.
  • Start-SFVolumeRestore: [Cluster] Initializes a restore (also known as a bulk volume write) session on a specified volume.
  • Stop-SFClone: [Cluster] Cancels a currently running clone operation. This method does not return anything.
  • Stop-SFGroupClone: [Cluster] Stops an ongoing CloneMultipleVolumes process for a group of clones.
  • Test-SFConnectEnsemble: [Node] Verifies connectivity with a specified database ensemble.
  • Test-SFConnectMvip: [Node] Tests the management connection to the cluster. The test pings the MVIP and executes a simple API method to verify connectivity.
  • Test-SFConnectSvip: [Node] Tests the storage connection to the cluster. The test pings the SVIP and executes a simple API method to verify connectivity.
  • Test-SFLdapAuthentication: [Cluster] Verifies LDAP authentication configuration.
  • Test-SFPing: [Node] Validates the connection to all nodes in the cluster on both 1G and 10G interfaces using ICMP packets.
  • Test-SFSendSnmpTrap: [Cluster] Sends SNMP test signal to active trap targets.

Hotfix v1.2.1

26 May 18:44
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Bugs addressed in this Hotfix

  • An invalid snapshot ID is returned after rolling back to the snapshot or group snapshot requested using the Invoke-SFRollbacktoGroupSnapshot and Invoke-SFRollbacktoSnapshot cmdlets when the SaveCurrentState parameter is set to its default value of false.

Version 1.2

22 Mar 18:48
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What's New in this Release

SolidFire PowerShell Tools version 1.2 contains the following improvements:

  • Added new cmdlet functionality for LDAP, scheduling, remote logging, login sessions, volume pairing, cluster pairing, and
    bulk volume tasks.
  • Expanded Connect-SFCluster cmdlet functionality:
  • Added port attribute so that SolidFire Support can connect to ports other than 443/442.
  • Connections to Element OS API patch versions now available.
  • Improved error message reporting to be more descriptive and contain API cluster responses.
  • Expanded available snapshot replication parameters for Get-SFGroupSnapshot, Get-SFSnapshot, New- SFGroupSnapshot, and New-SFSnapshot cmdlets.
  • Expanded Get-SFVolume cmdlet to accept volume names as an alternate choice to volume IDs.

The following are new SolidFire cmdlets in the version 1.2 release:

  • Complete-SFClusterPairing: [Cluster] Completes the cluster pairing processing using the encoded key created by the
    Start-SFClusterPairing cmdlet.
  • Complete-SFVolumePairing: [Cluster] Completes the pairing of two volumes.
  • Get-SFClusterPair: [Cluster] Lists all of the clusters with which a cluster is paired.
  • Get-SFLdapConfiguration: [Cluster] Gets the active LDAP configuration on cluster.
  • Get-SFLoginSessionInfo: [Cluster] Returns the period of time a login authentication is valid for both login shells and
    the TUI.
  • Get-SFNodeStats: [Cluster] Gets the high-level activity measurements for all nodes in a cluster.
  • Get-SFPendingOperation: [Node] Gets information about an operation on a node that is in progress.
  • Get-SFRemoteLoggingHost: [Cluster] Gets the list of current log servers.
  • Get-SFSchedule: [Cluster] Gets the scheduled snapshots on a cluster.
  • Get-SFVolumePair: [Cluster] Gets a list of all of active volumes that are part of a volume pairing.
  • New-SFLdapClusterAdmin: [Cluster] Adds a new LDAP cluster admin.
  • New-SFSchedule: [Cluster] Creates a schedule that automatically makes a snapshot of a volume at a defined interval.
  • Remove-SFClusterFault: [Cluster] Removes faults on the cluster.
  • Remove-SFClusterPair: [Cluster] Closes the open connections between two paired clusters.
  • Remove-SFSchedule: [Cluster] Deletes a snapshot schedule.
  • Remove-SFVolumePair: [Cluster] Removes the remote pairing between two volumes.
  • Set-SFClusterFullThreshold: [Cluster] Changes the threshold setting at which an event is generated when the storage
    cluster approaches a block fullness level.
  • Set-SFGroupSnapshot: [Cluster] Modifies a point-in-time snapshot of a group of volumes.
  • Set-SFLdapAuthentication: [Cluster] Enables or disables LDAP configuration.
  • Set-SFLoginSessionInfo: [Cluster] Configures the period of time that a session login is valid.
  • Set-SFRemoteLoggingHost: [Cluster] Configures remote logging from the nodes in the storage cluster to a centralized
    log server or servers.
  • Set-SFSchedule: [Cluster] Modifies the intervals at which scheduled snapshot creation occurs or deletes schedule.
  • Set-SFSnapshot: [Cluster] Modifies a point-in-time snapshot of a volume.
  • Set-SFVolumePair: [Cluster] Pauses or restarts replication between a pair of volumes.
  • Start-SFClusterPairing: [Cluster] Creates an encoded key from a cluster that is used to pair with another cluster
  • Start-SFVolumeBackup: [Cluster] Initializes a backup (bulk volume read) session on a specified volume.
  • Start-SFVolumePairing: [Cluster] Creates an encoded key from a volume that is used to pair with another volume.
  • Start-SFVolumeRestore: [Cluster] Initializes a restore (bulk volume write) session on a specified volume.
  • Test-SFLdapAuthentication: [Cluster] Verifies LDAP authentication configuration.