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This repository is home to 3 subprojects:

  • store-pg: code for our Postgres secondary-watcher application; the secondary-watcher is the write-side of the Postgres dataset query backend
  • soql-server-pg: an HTTP server application that accepts requests as SoQL queries and rewrites them as SQL queries, and sends them to Postgres
  • common-pg: common code shared between the above two applications

Build Requirements

sbt webdav4sbt - available at

Build and Test

sudo -u postgres createdb -O blist -E utf-8 secondary_test
sudo -u postgres createdb -O blist -E utf-8 secondary
createdb -O blist -E utf-8 secondary_test
createdb -O blist -E utf-8 secondary
sbt test package assembly

Running the service


For active development, when you always want the latest up to date code in your repo, run with SBT:

sbt -Dconfig.file=configs/application.conf soql-server-pg/run

For running soql-server-pg as one of several microservices, it might be better to build the assembly and run it to save on memory:



For active development, when you always want the latest up to date code in your repo, run with SBT:

sbt -Dconfig.file=configs/application.conf store-pg/run

For running secondary-watcher-pg as one of several microservices, it might be better to build the assembly and run it to save on memory:


If configured, secondary-watcher-pg can send messages to Eurybates when replication for its group ("read") has completed. To configure this locally add to your secondary-watcher config:

message-producer {
    eurybates {
      producers = "activemq"
      activemq.connection-string = "tcp://localhost:61616"
    zookeeper {
      conn-spec = "localhost:2181"
      session-timeout = 4s

Run the Database migrations

To run the migrations:

sbt -Dconfig.file=/etc/pg-secondary.conf "run-main --migrate migrate"

Alternatively, if you have an assembly jar you can use:


Running from sbt is recommended in a development environment because it ensures you are running the latest migrations without having to build a new assembly.