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How to Use the API

Flávio Ribeiro edited this page Jul 17, 2016 · 8 revisions

# Snickers API How To

Creating a Preset

Given a JSON file called preset.json:

  "name": "mp4_240p",
  "description": "Encodes video in H264/MP4 @ 240p",
  "container": "mp4",
  "rateControl": "vbr",
  "video": {
      "height": "240",
      "width": "426",
      "codec": "h264",
      "bitrate": "1000000",
      "gopSize": "90",
      "gopMode": "fixed",
      "profile": "main",
      "profileLevel": "3.1",
      "interlaceMode": "progressive"
  "audio": {
      "codec": "aac",
      "bitrate": "64000"

You can create a preset by sending the follow request:

$ curl -X POST -d @preset.json
  "name": "mp4_240p",
  "description": "Encodes video in H264/MP4 @ 240p",
  "container": "mp4",
  "rateControl": "vbr",
  "video": {
      "height": "240",
      "width": "426",
      "codec": "h264",
      "bitrate": "1000000",
      "gopSize": "90",
      "gopMode": "fixed",
      "profile": "main",
      "profileLevel": "3.1",
      "interlaceMode": "progressive"
  "audio": {
      "codec": "aac",
      "bitrate": "64000"

Listing Presets

$ curl -X GET
    "audio": {
      "bitrate": "64000",
      "codec": "aac"
    "container": "mp4",
    "description": "HLS 1080 for tests",
    "name": "mp4_240p",
    "rateControl": "vbr",
    "video": {
      "bitrate": "1000000",
      "codec": "h264",
      "gopMode": "fixed",
      "gopSize": "90",
      "height": "240",
      "profile": "main",
      "profileLevel": "3.1",
      "interlaceMode": "progressive",
      "width": "426"
    "audio": {
      "bitrate": "64000",
      "codec": "vorbis"
    "container": "webm",
    "description": "WebM @ 720p",
    "name": "webm_720p",
    "rateControl": "vbr",
    "video": {
      "profile": "main",
      "profileLevel": "3.1",
      "bitrate": "1000000",
      "codec": "vp8",
      "gopMode": "fixed",
      "gopSize": "90",
      "height": "240",
      "interlaceMode": "progressive",
      "width": "426"

Updating a Preset

$ curl -X PUT -d @preset.json
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Creating a Job

In order to create a job you need to specify a HTTP or S3 address of a source and a S3 address for the destination. Snickers only supports one preset per job but this problem is being addressed on issue #40.

The format of the S3 address should be:

See below an example of job.json:

  "source": "",
  "destination": "",
  "preset": "mp4_240p"

Then, make a POST request to the API:

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @job.json
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Listing Jobs

$ curl -X GET
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "destination": "",
    "id": "QWizjJwLP98LgTuQ",
    "preset": {
      "audio": {
        "bitrate": "64000",
        "codec": "vorbis"
      "container": "webm",
      "description": "WebM @ 720p",
      "name": "webm_720p",
      "rateControl": "vbr",
      "video": {
        "profile": "main",
        "profileLevel": "3.1",
        "bitrate": "1000000",
        "codec": "vp8",
        "gopMode": "fixed",
        "gopSize": "90",
        "height": "240",
        "interlaceMode": "progressive",
        "width": "426"
    "progress": "",
    "source": "",
    "status": "created"

Getting Job Details

With the job ID:

$ curl -X GET
  "destination": "",
  "id": "QWizjJwLP98LgTuQ",
  "preset": {
    "audio": {
      "bitrate": "64000",
      "codec": "vorbis"
    "container": "webm",
    "description": "WebM @ 720p",
    "name": "webm_720p",
    "rateControl": "vbr",
    "video": {
      "profile": "main",
      "profileLevel": "3.1",
      "bitrate": "1000000",
      "codec": "vp8",
      "gopMode": "fixed",
      "gopSize": "90",
      "height": "240",
      "interlaceMode": "progressive",
      "width": "426"
  "progress": "",
  "source": "",
  "status": ""

Starting the job

With the job ID:

$ curl -X GET

Then you should request job details in order to follow the status and progress of each step (downloading, encoding, uploading).