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Make sure to create an .env.local file in the project root with all the secret env variables which can be found in 1Password under Secret Env Vars.

  1. nvm use
  2. npm ci
  3. npm run develop


Some of the most important information if you are about to contribute. Enjoy.


We use DatoCMS as a headless CMS. You can find the admin interface here: If you need access, please contact the webmasters role.

We use GraphQL to query the data from DatoCMS. Types are generated automatically with npm run generate. Type generation is also run on npm run develop, so you don't have to worry about it.

Note: Currently not all content is managed in DatoCMS. Some content is still managed in the codebase. This will be changed in the future. We are working on it! 👷


Next.js is used as a framework. Start a development server with npm run develop. 🚀

Code Quality

Automated Tools

We use a set of tools for a reasonably high code quality.

  1. Prettier for Code Formatting npm run prettier
  2. ESLint for Code Guidelines npm run lint
  3. TypeScript for Static Type Checking (done by Next)

These checks are also run on every merge request, and each of these must pass for the MR to be mergable.

Integration Tests

We render all our pages automatically with Playwright to check for errors.

To run the tests locally make sure the development build is running with npm run develop and then start the tests with npm run test.


Four Eye Principle

The default main branch is protected and nobody can commit to it. Every feature or bugfix is done in a separate Merge Request, which needs to pass the automated tests and needs to be reviewed by another developer.


Naming Conventions

Since we're using an automated release tool (see Releases & Deployment) our Merge Requests need to have a common naming pattern:

type: MESSAGE.


feat: Add Profile Image Upload for Users.

The following types exist:

feat: A new feature
fix: A bug fix
docs: Documentation only changes
style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
perf: A code change that improves performance
test: Adding missing or correcting existing tests
chore: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation


This is a React app with server-side rendering provided by Next.js.

Deployment Model

We follow loosely the Gitlab Flow. All our Merge Requests are merged against our default branch main and are automatically deployed to our production system on Vercel.