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task orchestration with k8s

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@showersky showersky released this 09 Sep 07:38
· 10 commits to master since this release

this new release includes the following features:

  • interact with k8s for task provisioning
  • replace dgraph with file-based object storage lowdb
  • use the same internal data structure to save the entities, which could be accessed and updated under various of NGSI interfaces (v1, and limited version of v2 and LD)
  • provide the persistent storage for registered device entities and the subscriptions that are used to forward requested entities to an external ngsi-ld broker
  • fixed some bugs with the orchestration algorithm inside topology master
  • provide the deployment scripts for k8s
  • provide rest APIs of the FogFlow Designer
  • improve the management of internal objects, such as docker images, operators, service topologies, and fog functions
  • extend the operator to accept certain parameters