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Dittrichia graveolens

Reference genome

Data tracking google sheet

Manuscript - Original template

Size estimation

K-mer based estimates - 831 Mbp, 53% repeats, and heterozygosity of 0.06.


HiFi raw and filtered summaries - Using 835 Mbp as the genomize size, raw read coverage is 41x.

Omni-C summaries - 5 libraries for a total of 15x read coverage

Final Assembly

Draft assembly trials - hifiasm tests, chloroplast scaffold removal
Final assemblies - scaffolding trials, gap closing, header renaming

Primary assembly
Total length: 835 Mbp
Pseudomolecules: 98.1% sequence organized into 9
Number of scaffolds: 261
N50: 96.9 Mb
BUSCO embryophyta_odb10: C:98.8%[S:95.9%,D:2.9%],F:0.6%,M:0.6%

Alternate assembly
Total length: 824 Mbp
Pseudomolecules: 97.8% sequence organized into 9
Number of scaffolds: 292
N50: 96.4 Mb
BUSCO embryophyta_odb10: C:98.6%[S:95.7%,D:2.9%],F:0.6%,M:0.8%

Organelle genomes

Chloroplast genome
Mitochondrial genome