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Julia wrapper for the Faust compiler. It can be used:

  • with the libfaust version of the Faust compiler, and more specifically the Faust LLVM C API.
  • with the Julia backend that allows to generate Julia source code, to be included and used in the Julia session.

Using the libfaust compiler

using Faust

# Create a DSP factory.
dsp = compile("""

freq = hslider("freq", 440, 20, 20000, 1);
gain = hslider("gain", 0.25, 0, 1, 0.001);
process = os.oscs(freq) * gain;

# Initialize DSP instance and controls.
init!(dsp; block_size=1024, samplerate=48000)

# Compute one block of audio.

By default, programs are compiled as single-precision; you can give -double or other arguments to the compiler like so:

compile("process = _;"; name="passthrough", argv=["-double", "-vec"])

Each call to compute! will calculate block_size samples and return the output as a matrix of (block_size, n_channels). If the program takes input, set dsp.inputs to a (block_size, n_channels) matrix before calling compute!:

passthrough = init!(compile("process = _,_;"))
x = rand(Float32, 256, 2)
passthrough.inputs = x
@test compute!(passthrough) == x

After calling init!, any UI elements declared in your code will have their path names and ranges available via dsp.ui.ranges.

julia> dsp.ui.ranges
Dict{String, Faust.UIRange} with 2 entries:
  "/score/gain" => UIRange(0.25, 0.0, 1.0, 0.001)
  "/score/freq" => UIRange(440.0, 20.0, 20000.0, 1.0)

julia> ctrl = dsp.ui.ranges["/score/freq"]; (ctrl.min, ctrl.max)
(20.0f0, 20000.0f0)

One can then set the values of these params like:

setparams!(dsp, Dict("/score/freq" => 220.0f0))

See examples/portaudio.jl to understand how the DSP can be wrapped for audio IO.

The DSP program outputs can be displayed with:

# Define a block of DSP code
julia> code = """import("stdfaust.lib"); process = os.osc(500), os.sawtooth(1000);"""

# Compile the DSP, compute one block of audio and display the outputs
julia> compileFaustString(code)

# Compile the DSP, with aditionals compile arguments and display the outputs
julia> compileFaustString(code; argv=["-double", "-vec"])

# Compile the DSP, with a larger block_size and display the outputs
julia> compileFaustString(code; block_size=50000)

Using the Julia backend

From a DSP source file, the faust compiler is executed with the Julia backend to generate a Julia source file, wrapped by the minimal.jl architecture file, computes one block of outputs buffers, and display the signals:

# Use an existing DSP file
julia> file = "/fool/bar/osc.dsp"

# Compile the DSP, compute one block of audio and display the outputs
julia> compileFaustFile(file)


Julia wrapper around the Faust DSP compiler.







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