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Floating UI Svelte

A Floating UI wrapper for Svelte.


npm install @skeletonlabs/floating-ui-svelte
# pnpm install @skeletonlabs/floating-ui-svelte
# yarn install @skeletonlabs/floating-ui-svelte
# bun install @skeletonlabs/floating-ui-svelte


Making elements "float"

We want it to float on top of the UI though, so it doesn’t disrupt the flow of the document. Add this class to all floating elements. Note that Floating UI does not have opinions about how your elements stack on the z-axis.

.floating {
	width: max-content;
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	left: 0;

The Basics

Import the desired hook or component from floating-ui-svelte. View each example for additional guidance.

import { useFloating, type UseFloatingOptions } from '@skeletonlabs/floating-ui-svelte';

const options: UseFloatingOptions = { /* ... */ };
const floating = useFloating(options);



The useFloating Svelte hook acts as a controller for all other Floating UI Svelte features. It handles positioning your floating elements (tooltips, popovers, etc.) relative to an anchored element. Automatically calculates the best placement and updates it as needed, providing access to properties for position and style.


<script lang="ts">
	import { useFloating } from '@skeletonlabs/floating-ui-svelte';

	const floating = useFloating();

<button bind:this="{floating.elements.reference}">Reference</button>
<div bind:this="{floating.elements.floating}" style="{floating.floatingStyles}" class="floating">Floating</div>


Destructured variables are not supported as this would break reactivity.


Property Description Type Default Value
open Represents the open/close state of the floating element. boolean true
onOpenChange Event handler that can be invoked whenever the open state changes. (open: boolean, event?: Event, reason?: OpenChangeReason) => void -
placement Where to place the floating element relative to its reference element. Placement 'bottom'
strategy The type of CSS position property to use. Strategy 'absolute'
middleware Supports all Floating UI middleware. Array<Middleware | undefined | null | false> undefined
transform Whether to use transform instead of top and left styles to position the floating element (floatingStyles). boolean true
elements The reference and floating elements. FloatingElements -
whileElementsMounted Callback to handle mounting/unmounting of the elements. (reference: ReferenceElement, floating: FloatingElement, update: () => void) => () => void -

Return Value

Property Description Type
x The x-coord of the floating element. number
y The y-coord of the floating element. number
placement The stateful placement, which can be different from the initial placement passed as options. Placement
strategy The stateful strategy, which can be different from the initial strategy passed as options. Strategy
middlewareData Additional data from middleware. MiddlewareData
isPositioned The boolean that let you know if the floating element has been positioned. boolean
floatingStyles CSS styles to apply to the floating element to position it. string
elements The reference and floating elements. FloatingElements
update The function to update floating position manually. () => void
context Context object containing internal logic to alter the behavior of the floating element. FloatingContext


The useInteractions Svelte hook allows you to consume multiple interactions. It ensures that event listeners from different hooks are properly registered instead of being overruled by one another.


	import { useFloating, useInteractions, useHover, useFocus } from '@skeletonlabs/floating-ui-svelte';

	const floating = useFloating();

	const hover = useHover(floating.context);
	const focus = useFocus(floating.context);

	const interactions = useInteractions([hover, focus]);

<div {...interactions.getReferenceProps()}>Reference</div>
<div {...interactions.getFloatingProps()}>Floating</div>

If you want to apply an event handler the an element that is using a props getter make sure to pass them through the getter instead of applying them directly:

- <div {...interactions.getReferenceProps()} onclick={/* ... */}>Reference</div>
+ <div {...interactions.getReferenceProps({ onclick: /* ... */})}>Reference</div>

This will ensure all event handlers will be registered rather being overruled by eachother.

Return Value

Property Description Type
getReferenceProps The merged attributes for the reference element. (userProps?: HTMLAttributes) => Record<string, unknown>
getFloatingProps The merged attributes for the floating element. (userProps?: HTMLAttributes) => Record<string, unknown>
getItemProps The merged attributes for when dealing with a list inside the floating element. (userProps?: HTMLAttributes & ExtendedUserProps) => Record<string, unknown>



	import { useFloating, useInteractions, useHover } from '@skeletonlabs/floating-ui-svelte';

	const floating = useFloating();
	const hover = useHover(floating.context);
	const interactions = useInteractions([hover]);

<button bind:this="{floating.elements.reference}"  {...interactions.getReferenceProps()}>Reference</button>
<div bind:this="{floating.elements.floating}" style="{floating.floatingStyles}" {...interactions.getFloatingProps()}>Tooltip</div>


Property Description Type Default Value
enabled Enables the hook. boolean true
mouseOnly Only allow pointers of type mouse to trigger the hover (thus excluding pens and touchscreens). boolean false
delay Time in ms that will delay the change of the open state. Also accepts an object with open and close properties for finer grained control. number 0
restMs Time in ms that the pointer must rest on the reference element before the open state is set to true. number 0
move Whether moving the pointer over the floating element will open it, without a regular hover event required. boolean true
handleClose Callback to handle the closing of the floating element. HandleCloseFn null







	import { useFloating, useInteractions, useRole } from '@skeletonlabs/floating-ui-svelte';

	const floating = useFloating();
	const role = useRole(floating.context, { role: 'tooltip' });
	const interactions = useInteractions([role]);

<button bind:this="{floating.elements.reference}" {...interactions.getReferenceProps()}>Reference</button>
<div bind:this="{floating.elements.floating}" style="{floating.floatingStyles}" {...interactions.getFloatingProps()}>Tooltip</div>


Property Description Type Default Value
enabled Enables the interaction boolean true
role The role that the floating element should be AriaRole | ComponentRole 'dialog'






Renders a customizable <svg> pointing arrow triangle inside the floating element that gets automatically positioned.

<script lang="ts">
	import { arrow, useFloating, FloatingArrow, autoUpdate, offset } from '$lib/index.js';

	let arrowRef: HTMLElement | null = $state(null);

	const floating = useFloating({
		get middleware() {
			return [
				arrowRef && arrow({ element: arrowRef })

<button bind:this="{floating.elements.reference}">Reference</button>
<div bind:this="{floating.elements.floating}" style="{floating.floatingStyles}" class="floating">


Prop Description Default Type
ref* Binded element reference. - HTMLElement, null
context* The context object returned from useFloating(). - FloatingContext
width The width of the arrow. 14 number
height The height of the arrow. 7 number
tipRadius The radius (rounding) of the arrow tip. 0 (sharp) number
staticOffset A static offset override of the arrow from the floating element edge. Often desirable if the floating element is smaller than the reference element along the relevant axis and has an edge alignment (start/end). undefined (use dynamic path) string, number, null
d A custom path for the arrow. Useful if you want fancy rounding. The path should be inside a square SVG and placed at the bottom of it. The path is designed for the 'bottom' placement, which will be rotated for other placements. "black" (browser default) string
fill The color of the arrow. xxx string
stroke The stroke (border) color of the arrow. This must match (or be less than) the floating element’s border width. "none" string
strokeWidth The stroke (border) width of the arrow. 0 number

Utility Classes and Styles

Provide artibrary utility classes using the standard attribute.

<FloatingArrow class="fill-white" />






Based on Floating UI and Floating UI React. Maintained by Hugo Korte, Skeleton Labs, and the Svelte community.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.