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A minimal SpringBoot application to try out new features.

CI Build Quality Gate Status

Run using DockerCompose

./ start
./ stop
./ restart

Running on Kubernetes

cd kind
cd ..
./ k8s_deploy
./ k8s_undeploy

kubectl commands

kubectl apply -f k8s/config.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/postgresdb.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/todolist.yaml

kubectl apply -f k8s/

kubectl scale --replicas=2 deployment spring-boot-todolist-deployment
kubectl create deployment spring-boot-todolist --image sivaprasadreddy/spring-boot-todolist -o yaml --dry-run=client > k8s/deployment.yaml

kubectl create service clusterip spring-boot-todolist --tcp 80:8080 -o yaml --dry-run=client > k8s/service.yaml

kubectl port-forward svc/spring-boot-todolist 9090:8080

kubectl create configmap spring-boot-todolist --from-file=./k8s/

kubectl create configmap todolist-k8s-configmap --from-file=./

kubectl get configmap spring-boot-todolist -o yaml

Development using Skaffold

skaffold dev --port-forward --skip-tests=true