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Easy SRI Scripts

(Easy Subresource Integrity Scripts)


Generates hashes to be used in HTML to ensure the integrity of embedded files (like CSS, JS).


For security, to make sure your files have not been tampered with, especially if they're embedded from an external source.


sri384 myfile.js

Then use the output in the script/link tag by adding it as "integrity" parameter.

You can use sri256, sri384 and sri512 to generate SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512 respectively.

Note that SHA384 fits perfectly into base64 and no padding is required.


<script src="myfile.js" integrity="sha384-ZWGMTAHGDMJeeWcmuu0wupWx49u2K8TEf+MsgdLgAbBhold623Vhnz6AEd+3k4iY"></script>


Simply run

sudo make install

or manually copy the scripts somewhere in your PATH (usually /usr/local/bin).


These scripts require:

  • Standard shell ('/bin/sh')
  • shasum
  • xxd
  • base64


If even just a single bit of the file changes, it won't load (that's the point).

Make sure your web server, proxy, CDN, and so forth, do not "minify" or otherwise tamper with your files.

If you want to minify your files for performance, do so first, then generate the hash for the minified file.

If you change both your resource (JS, CSS) and the hash in the HTML, but the old resource is cached in the browser, the site will break. To avoid this, add the version number, hash or some other unique string to the filename, so it will use the correct file. It's also possible to add a query string like ?ver=x.y.z or similar; however, that's not recommended as resources with query strings might bypass the cache entirely (e.g. Cloudflare) and could be a performance penalty. Use filename strings instead.

Subresource Integrity works with all major, up-to-date browsers (this does not include IE).


These scripts were brought to you by Sindastra

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