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Update test & build matrix and use Github Actions as a Trusted Publisher #132

Update test & build matrix and use Github Actions as a Trusted Publisher

Update test & build matrix and use Github Actions as a Trusted Publisher #132

Triggered via pull request October 5, 2023 18:26
Status Success
Total duration 1h 4m 23s


on: pull_request
Matrix: build_wheels
Build source distribution
Build source distribution
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13 warnings
Build source distribution
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-python@v2. For more info:
Build wheels on windows-latest
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2. For more info:
Build wheels on macos-latest
While arm64 wheels can be built on x86_64, they cannot be tested. The ability to test the arm64 wheels will be added in a future release of cibuildwheel, once Apple Silicon CI runners are widely available. To silence this warning, set `CIBW_TEST_SKIP: *-macosx_arm64`.
Build wheels on macos-latest
While universal2 wheels can be built on x86_64, the arm64 part of them cannot currently be tested. The ability to test the arm64 part of a universal2 wheel will be added in a future release of cibuildwheel, once Apple Silicon CI runners are widely available. To silence this warning, set `CIBW_TEST_SKIP: *-macosx_universal2:arm64`.
Build wheels on macos-latest
While arm64 wheels can be built on x86_64, they cannot be tested. The ability to test the arm64 wheels will be added in a future release of cibuildwheel, once Apple Silicon CI runners are widely available. To silence this warning, set `CIBW_TEST_SKIP: *-macosx_arm64`.
Build wheels on macos-latest
While universal2 wheels can be built on x86_64, the arm64 part of them cannot currently be tested. The ability to test the arm64 part of a universal2 wheel will be added in a future release of cibuildwheel, once Apple Silicon CI runners are widely available. To silence this warning, set `CIBW_TEST_SKIP: *-macosx_universal2:arm64`.
Build wheels on macos-latest
While arm64 wheels can be built on x86_64, they cannot be tested. The ability to test the arm64 wheels will be added in a future release of cibuildwheel, once Apple Silicon CI runners are widely available. To silence this warning, set `CIBW_TEST_SKIP: *-macosx_arm64`.
Build wheels on macos-latest
While universal2 wheels can be built on x86_64, the arm64 part of them cannot currently be tested. The ability to test the arm64 part of a universal2 wheel will be added in a future release of cibuildwheel, once Apple Silicon CI runners are widely available. To silence this warning, set `CIBW_TEST_SKIP: *-macosx_universal2:arm64`.
Build wheels on macos-latest
While arm64 wheels can be built on x86_64, they cannot be tested. The ability to test the arm64 wheels will be added in a future release of cibuildwheel, once Apple Silicon CI runners are widely available. To silence this warning, set `CIBW_TEST_SKIP: *-macosx_arm64`.
Build wheels on macos-latest
While universal2 wheels can be built on x86_64, the arm64 part of them cannot currently be tested. The ability to test the arm64 part of a universal2 wheel will be added in a future release of cibuildwheel, once Apple Silicon CI runners are widely available. To silence this warning, set `CIBW_TEST_SKIP: *-macosx_universal2:arm64`.
Build wheels on macos-latest
While arm64 wheels can be built on x86_64, they cannot be tested. The ability to test the arm64 wheels will be added in a future release of cibuildwheel, once Apple Silicon CI runners are widely available. To silence this warning, set `CIBW_TEST_SKIP: *-macosx_arm64`.
Build wheels on macos-latest
While universal2 wheels can be built on x86_64, the arm64 part of them cannot currently be tested. The ability to test the arm64 part of a universal2 wheel will be added in a future release of cibuildwheel, once Apple Silicon CI runners are widely available. To silence this warning, set `CIBW_TEST_SKIP: *-macosx_universal2:arm64`.
Build wheels on ubuntu-latest
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2. For more info: