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Releases: simplecrypto/simplecoin

Merged Mining Support

12 Aug 02:32
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  • Support for paying out blocks that are merge mined (multi merge mining is supported). Users sign a message with their main chain mining address to specify which merge-mined address they would like to be paid out with.
  • Celery periodic tasks have been replaced by apscheduler. This will require running another daemon to schedule periodic tasks for SimpleCoin.
  • Transactions are now "confirmed" via RPC command. This means you don't need to use a payout wallet (or full indexing wallet) on the website server, for increased security.
  • Adds a /crontabs view that allows you to see when crontabs last ran and how long they took.
  • Pool stats has a new table with a breakdown of all stratum servers (worker count, MH/s, etc)
  • Pool stats has a detailed stats table that shows pool luck, return, and orphan percentage for various time ranges.


  • Substantial performance improvements for payout calculations, pplns round estimation, old share cleanup, and several other intensive tasks.
  • Pagination for all payout page and all block page
  • Sig fig rounding is now performed in several places to better show proper payout amounts
  • Many values are now configurable instead of hardcoded.
  • Payouts are now deleted after one week, and long term information is generated based on a PayoutSumarry table that condenses the payout information. Significant performance gains for pools solving lots of blocks with lots of users.

Best used with the latest v0.5.1 of PowerPool. If you need instructions on upgrading from v0.6 please contact me, since I don't want to spend a lot of time writing an upgrade guide if no one needs it.

UI upgrades and some new features

29 Apr 19:52
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  • Network difficulty now graphed. Displays for some general network information
  • Sorting on all tables
  • Ability to view all payouts ever on your account
  • More pool information such as orphan percentage and overall luck


  • Improved performance for all round calculations (round summary, payout generation)
  • Scheduled removal of old shares
  • Added configurability to several items

For users upgrading keep in mind that a data model migration will be required. The steps are roughly as follows after pulling in the new changes:

service simplecoin stop # shutdown the simplecoin server, failing over to a "maint" message
service celery stop # shutdown the celery process
cd /path/to/simplecoin
python db upgrade

Then start all services back up. To add old block data to the network difficulty graphs use the 'historical_data' method.

v0.5: Added ability to specify multiple backend server connections, and cha…

04 Apr 05:06
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…nged all caching to use redis instead of redis + database

* monitor_addr is now deprecated, instead use monitor_addrs as in example
* the Blob table is no longer used for anything. It will be removed in the future. All cached values that were stored there are now in the cache proper
* Tasks run periodically to cache all currently online workers for all servers, instead of doing so on a per-address basis
* Scheduled tasks have been split into cache related tasks and db-changing related tasks, allowing a passive version of celery to run for staging
* Workers now display their stratum connection address when connected