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nlp-roth, lmu 2019

This repository only contains the codes for the project, the data is saved in /big/b/beroth/abgaben/chenyi in CIP-pool.

the structure of folders of the whole project:

    (deduplicated and contain only paths/entities which occur at least once in test_simplified.csv)
    (the data used in this project, negative factor 5, contain entities which occur at least twice in test_simplified.csv)
  |-path_pos_neg.txt (dobj^-___join___nsubj m.0_00#m.01gf5z m.05cgv#m.0d05l6 : path positive_entity_pair negative_entity_pair
|-experiments (only contain the best results in each model)
  |  (generate data for those models which only use entity_pair embeddings)
  | (generate data for those models which use both entity_pair/entity embeddings)
  | (training loop for models)
  | (model use sequential layers, sigmoid(pathT pos) ~1, sigmoid(pathTneg)~0, only use entity_pair embeddings)
  | (universal schema, ranked pairs, sigmoid(pathTpos - pathTneg)~1, only use entity_pair embeddings)
  | (universal schema, use both entity_pair/entity embeddings)
  | (use word2vec model, sigmoid(pathTpos)~1, sigmoid(pathTneg)~0, only use entity_pair embeddings)
  | model, use both entity_pair/entity embeddings) (evaluate the result, call: python experiments/XXmodel/XX_embeddings.csv test_simplified.csv) (load the saved model state_dict and output the embeddings) 
test_simplified.csv ( for test) (train model from models/ (train model from models/ (train model from models/ (train model from models/ (train model from models/


  1. deduplicated the given data word2vec_train_untyped.txt, and filtered the data so that it only contains the paths, entities which has the paths that occurs at least once in test_simplified.csv (given data) also untypify the paths using filter_path, to get word2vec_train_untyped_unique_filtered.txt.

  2. run processing/main.pyto

2.1. get the frequency of entities ent_freq.txt, the frequency of path path_freq.txt

2.2. use the frequency to filter out the data which contains the entities that occur at least twice to get the data which is used for generating train data and dev data entities_path_filtered.txt, entpair2id.json, ent2id.json, path2id.json.

  1. run preprocessing/ to do negative sampling on each path positive_entity_pair , negative sampling factor is 5. That means, for each path positive_entity_pair, there are five different negative_entity_pair which has not occur in positive_entity_pair corresponding to the path, but the entity pairs already occur in the dataset ==> get the data data_/path_pos_neg.txt for generating the train/dev dataset.
  • dataset :
train_data samples: 2031332
dev_data samples: 20518 (1% of total samples)
total number of samples: 2051850
number of paths: 1714 (1717 in test_simplified.csv)
number of entity pairs: 66835
number of entities: 19396 


the learned word embeddings are in experiments/xxmodel/xx_embeddings.csv

only present the best results from each experimented model

baseline `python evaluate relation_embeddings.txt test_simplified.csv`:
Results based on corss validation on 3985 samples with 5 folds.
Mean Precision: 0.471
Mean Recall: 0.712
Mean F1: 0.565

Sequential Model
python experiments/seqmodel/1_lstm_linear_adam_0.01_20_4096_model.pt_embeddings.csv test_simplified.csv
Loading embeddings ... Done.
Results based on cross validation on 3983 samples with 5 folds.
Mean Precision: 0.418
Mean Recall: 0.809
Mean F1: 0.551

UniModel (universal schema, ranked pairs, 20 epochs, 4096 batch size, Adam lr = 0.01)
Results based on cross validation on 3983 samples with 5 folds.
Mean Precision: 0.549
Mean Recall: 0.787
Mean F1: 0.646

Word2Vec Model (20 epochs, 4096 batch size, adam lr=0.01)
Results based on cross validation on 3983 samples with 5 folds.
Mean Precision: 0.566
Mean Recall: 0.720
Mean F1: 0.633

Universal Schema using both entity_pair and entity embeddings (30 epochs, Adam lr=0.01, batchsize 4096)
 python experiments/unimodel_ent/adam_0.01_amsgrad_30_4096_model.pt_embeddings.csv test_simplified.csv
Loading embeddings ... Done.
Results based on cross validation on 3983 samples with 5 folds.
Mean Precision: 0.507
Mean Recall: 0.796
Mean F1: 0.618

Word2Vec Model using both entity_pair and entity embeddings (40 epochs, Adam 0.01, batch size 4096)
python experiments/word2vec_ent/adam_0.01_40_4096_model.pt_embeddings_01.csv test_simplified.csv
Loading embeddings ... Done.
Results based on cross validation on 3983 samples with 5 folds.
Mean Precision: 0.518
Mean Recall: 0.777
Mean F1: 0.621


  • use data structure as path pos_entity_pair neg_entity_pair is much less memory consuming than path pos_entity_pair True and path neg_entity_pair False
  • to report the dev_loss and train_loss, detach the tensor and only record the number loss_dict["dev"].append(dev_loss.detach().item()) to avoid out of memory error
  • to concatenate the embeddings of entity1 and entity2 in order to get the embeddings of entity1#entity2 does not work well for training the models, better to use embeddings of entity1#entity2 directly or embeddings of entity1#entity2 plus embeddings of entity1 and embeddings of entity2.
  • the model with neural networks does not work better than word2vec and unviersal schema, maybe due to the very short sequence length 2. (path pos_entity_pair or path neg_entity_pair as one sequence)