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Macro expansion for situationists? What does that even mean?

sit·u·a·tion·ism   [sich-oo-ey-shuh-niz-uhm]
–noun Psychology .
the theory that behavior is chiefly response to immediate situations.

When we are programming in php our text, syntax, grammar is pretty much all decided for us ahead of time. So why not jump language to one where things aren't quite so arbi('y', 'trar') (wait I think its arbi('trar','y'))? Because you have a job that pays you money to write php. Or you have a dad who is an air cooled volkswagen mechanic so you don't know when to say "no, this platform is dead" and then after years of denial you learn that sometimes old things can be just as good as new things if you squint the right way. 

So what is it? Well firstly you have to squint enough to think the ~ looks like an m which stands for macro. Secondly you have to accept that ~, which  is currently used for bitwise Not, will no longer work in such a capacity. If you don't want to give that up you could use something else like maybe # and let go of those sort of comments? Regardless you can define that in the main Transmogrifier class as the $macroCharacter property. 

The idea is to allow you to use a few custom "reader macros" along with "user defined macros" inline with native php. The php would then of course need to be preprocessed - I mean what is more reasonable than a pre-pre-hypertext-preprocssor-pre-processor? By default there is a bootstrap file which you could include from something like public/index.php which inlcudes the transmogrifier and than also defines the __autoload method to call Transmogrifier::includeFile on each relevant class file. The transmogrified files are stored in a .transmogrified directory off of the directory that they are found in. In theory you could have it check timestamps to see if the files even need to be transmogrified or even have a production mode in which all the transmogrified files/codebase are exported so it is just native php w/ no magic. However at dev time, especially if you are changing macros, you will want to have them transmogrified all the time to avoid confusion. 


Instead of: 
	array(1, 2, 3, $x, $y, $z);
	~(1 2 3 ,x ,y ,z);
Instead of: 
	array('key' => $val, $key => array('a', 'b', 'c'))
	~(key: ,val ,key: (a b c)); 

Instead of:
	$y = array('c', 'd', 'e');
	$x = array_splice(array('a', 'b', null, 'f', 'g'), 2, 1, $y);

	$y = ~(c d e);
	$x = ~(a b ,@y f g);

Instead of: 
	array('key' => 6 + 6,  $obj->getKey($val) => 'value');
	~(key: {6 + 6} {$obj->getKey($val)}: 'value');


Instead of: 
	$x = function($y) { return 1 + $y; }; echo $x(60);
	echo ~[$y | 1 + $y](60);

	Stuff like: 

	$adder = ~[$x | [$y | [$z | $x + y + z]]](5)(6); 
	echo $adder(7);

Also works. You will notice that you don't have to put a ~ infront of a square lambda if it is the first thing inside the body of another square lambda. If it is not the first thing you would need to put a ~ before it. With funcs building/returning funcs as often as happens it seems like a nice piece of arbitrary parsing magic to allow. Other wise its:

	$adder = ~[$x | ~[$y | ~[$z | $x + $y + z]]](5)(6);

Not that ugly just a little noiser but technically either works.  

Also lexical scope works as it would in lisp or smalltalk. So the above adder code would end up looking like: 

	$adder = call_user_func_array(call_user_func_array(function($x) { return function($y) use(&$x) { return function($z) use(&$x, &$z) { return $x + $y + $z;};};}, array(5)), array(6));


	~map [$_ + 6] (1 2 3);
is like writing: 
	array_map(function($_) { return $_ + 6;}, array(1, 2, 3));


php macro expansion for situationists






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