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@serengil serengil released this 02 May 07:29
· 20 commits to master since this release

🎉 DeepFace v0.0.91 Release Notes 🚀

We're excited to introduce some fantastic updates in this release! Here's what's new:

📏 Custom Threshold Support: With PR-1223, we've enhanced the verify method to support an optional threshold parameter. Now, you can tailor the verification process to your needs for stricter or more lenient results.

📚 Enhanced Documentation: Thanks to PR-1224, you'll find the latest publication mentioned in the README. Additionally, experiment results are conveniently shared in the benchmarks folder for your reference.

🖼️ Improved Functionality: We've fixed a bug in the represent function (PR-1225) where face regions were inaccurately returned if detection was skipped. Now, you can expect more reliable results.

📝 License Inclusion: PR-1225 addresses a missing license in the pip package, ensuring compliance and transparency.

🔧 Issue Templates: To streamline communication and issue tracking, we've created issue templates with PR-1203. Now, reporting and addressing concerns is easier than ever before.

Thank you for your continued support and feedback! Download DeepFace v0.0.91 now to enjoy these enhancements and more. Happy coding! 🤖✨
