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sefffal committed Apr 3, 2023
2 parents 70a99ea + 6535ed7 commit 40b3184
Showing 1 changed file with 159 additions and 43 deletions.
202 changes: 159 additions & 43 deletions OctofitterVisibilities/src/OctofitterVisibilities.jl
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ using Octofitter
using PlanetOrbits
using Tables, TypedTables

const vis_cols = (:epoch, :col1, :col2)
const vis_cols = (:epoch, :u, :v, :cps_data, :dcps, :vis2_data, :dvis2, :index_cps1, :index_cps2, :index_cps3,:bands,:use_vis2)
struct VisibiltiesLikelihood{TTable<:Table} <: Octofitter.AbstractLikelihood
function VisibiltiesLikelihood(observations...)
Expand All @@ -21,80 +21,196 @@ export VisibiltiesLikelihood
Visibliitiy modelling likelihood for point sources.
function Octofitter.ln_like(vis::VisibiltiesLikelihood, θ_system, orbits, num_epochs::Val{L}=Val(length(rv.table))) where L
function Octofitter.ln_like(vis::VisibiltiesLikelihood, θ_system, orbits, num_epochs::Val{L}=Val(length(vis.table))) where L
T = typeof(θ_system.M)
ll = zero(T)

# Access the data here:
epochs = vis.table.epoch
bands =
# and observations too

# `θ_system` contains all parameter values, e.g. photometry of each planet

# `orbits` creates pre-constructed orbit objects (one per planet) though these could be created from `θ_system`
# We can use `orbits` to calculate the position of a planet on a given epoch.
bands = vis.table.bands
u = vis.table.u
v = vis.table.v
cps_data = vis.table.cps_data
dcps = vis.table.dcps
vis2_data = vis.table.vis2_data
dvis2 = vis.table.dvis2
i_cps1 = vis.table.index_cps1
i_cps2 = vis.table.index_cps2
i_cps3 = vis.table.index_cps3
use_vis2 = vis.table.use_vis2

# Loop through planets
for i in eachindex(orbits)
# All parameters relevant to this planet
θ_planet = θ_system.planets[i]
# orbit object pre-created from above parameters (shared between all likelihood functions)
orbit = orbits[i]

# Get model flux parameter in this band (band provided as a symbol, e.g. :L along with data in table row.)
f_band = getproperty(θ_planet, band)

for j in eachindex(epochs)

epoch = epochs[j]
band = bands[j]

for j in eachindex(epochs)
epoch = epochs[j]
band = bands[j]
cvis = 0.
norm_factor = 0. #to normalize complex visibilities
for i in eachindex(orbits)
# All parameters relevant to this planet
θ_planet = θ_system.planets[i]

# Get model contrast parameter in this band (band provided as a symbol, e.g. :L along with data in table row.)
contrast = getproperty(θ_planet, band) #secondary/primary
#contrast = contrast[i]

# orbit object pre-created from above parameters (shared between all likelihood functions)
orbit = orbits[i]
sol = orbitsolve(orbit, epoch)
Δra = raoff(sol) # in mas
Δdec = decoff(sol) # in mas

#add complex visibilities from all planets at a single epoch
cvis = cvis .+ cvis_bin(ddec=Δdec,dra=Δra,contrast=contrast,u=u[j],v=v[j])

# Accumulate into likelihood
# ll += ...
norm_factor += contrast
cvis = cvis .+ 1. #add contribution from the primary primary
cvis *= 1. /(1. +norm_factor)
#compute closure phase
cps = closurephase(vis=cvis,index_cps1=i_cps1[j],index_cps2=i_cps2[j],index_cps3=i_cps3[j])
lnlike_v2 = 0.
if (use_vis2==1)
#compute squared visibilities
vis2 = abs.(cvis).^2
const_v2 = -sum(log.(2*pi*(dvis2[j].^2)))/2
#calculate vis2 ln likelihood
lnlike_v2 = lnlike_v2 .+ -0.5*sum((vis2_data[j].- vis2).^2 ./dvis2[j].^2) .+ const_v2

#calculaye cp ln likelihood
const_cp = -sum(log.(2*pi*(dcps[j].^2)))/2
lnlike_cp = -0.5*sum((cps_data[j] .- (cps)).^2 ./dcps[j].^2) .+ const_cp

# Accumulate into likelihood
ll = ll .+ lnlike_cp .+ lnlike_v2

return ll

function cvis_bin(;ddec,dra,contrast,u,v)
#u,v: baselines [wavelengths]
#ddec: dec offset [mas]
#dra: ra offset [mas]
#contrast: secondary/primary contrast
#returns complex visibilities of a point source at position ddec,dra

l2 = contrast
# phase-factor
phi= cos.(-2*pi*(u*dra + v*ddec)*pi/(180*3600*1000)) .+ sin.(-2*pi*(u*dra + v*ddec)*pi/(180*3600*1000))im
cvis = l2 * phi
return cvis

function closurephase(;vis::AbstractVector,index_cps1::AbstractVector,index_cps2::AbstractVector,index_cps3::AbstractVector)
#vis: complex visibilities
#i_cps1,i_cps2,i_cps3: closure triangle indices
#returns closure phases [degrees]

realt = real(vis)
imagt = imag(vis)
visphi = atan.(imagt,realt)
visphi = mod.(visphi .+ 10980., 360.) .- 180.
cp = visphi[index_cps1] .+ visphi[index_cps2] .- visphi[index_cps3]
out = cp*180/pi
return out

# # Generate new observations for a planet (I don't think this is relevant)
# function Octofitter.generate_from_params(like::VisibiltiesLikelihood, orbit::PlanetOrbits.AbstractOrbit, θ_planet)

# end

function cp_indices(;vis2_index::Matrix{<:Int64}, cp_index::Matrix{<:Int64})
"""Extracts indices for calculating closure phases from visibility and closure phase station indices"""
i_cps1 = zeros(Int64,size(cp_index)[2])
i_cps2 = zeros(Int64,size(cp_index)[2])
i_cps3 = zeros(Int64,size(cp_index)[2])

nh = maximum(vis2_index) #number of stations making up your interferometer
nb = Int64(nh*(nh-1)/2) #number of baselines
ncp = Int64(nh*(nh-1)*(nh-2)/6) #total number of closure phases

for i in range(1,size(cp_index)[2])
for j in range(1,size(vis2_index)[2])
if ((cp_index[1,i]==vis2_index[1,j])&&(cp_index[2,i]==vis2_index[2,j]))
if (floor((j-1)/nb) == floor((i-1)/ncp))
i_cps1[i] = j
if ((cp_index[2,i]==vis2_index[1,j])&&(cp_index[3,i]==vis2_index[2,j]))
if (floor((j-1)/nb) == floor((i-1)/ncp))
i_cps2[i] = j
if ((cp_index[1,i]==vis2_index[1,j])&&(cp_index[3,i]==vis2_index[2,j]))
if (floor((j-1)/nb) == floor((i-1)/ncp))
i_cps3[i] = j
return i_cps1,i_cps2,i_cps3

# Generate new observations for a system of possibly multiple planets
function Octofitter.generate_from_params(like::VisibiltiesLikelihood, orbits::Vector{<:Visual{KepOrbit}}, θ_system)
function Octofitter.generate_from_params(like::VisibiltiesLikelihood, orbits::Vector{<:AbstractOrbit}, θ_system)

# # Get epochs, uncertainties, and planet masses from observations and parameters
# epochs = like.table.epoch
# σ_rvs = like.table.σ_rv
# planet_masses = [θ_planet.mass for θ_planet in θ_system.planets] .* 0.000954588 # Mjup -> Msun

# # Generate new star radial velocity data
# rvs = radvel.(reshape(orbits, :, 1), epochs, transpose(planet_masses))
# noise = randn(length(epochs)) .* θ_system.jitter
# rvs = sum(rvs, dims=2)[:,1] .+ θ_system.rv .+ noise
# radvel_table = Table(epoch=epochs, rv=rvs, σ_rv=σ_rvs)
epochs = like.table.epoch
bands = like.table.bands
u = like.table.u
v = like.table.v
cps_data = like.table.cps_data
dcps = like.table.dcps
vis2_data = like.table.vis2_data
dvis2 = like.table.dvis2
i_cps1 = like.table.index_cps1
i_cps2 = like.table.index_cps2
i_cps3 = like.table.index_cps3
use_vis2 = like.table.use_vis2
cp_all = Any[];
vis2_all = Any[];
for j in eachindex(epochs)
band = bands[j]
epoch = epochs[j]
cvis = 0.
norm_factor = 0. #to normalize complex visibilities
for i in eachindex(orbits)
# All parameters relevant to this planet
θ_planet = θ_system.planets[i]

# orbit object pre-created from above parameters (shared between all likelihood functions)
orbit = orbits[i]
contrast = getproperty(θ_planet, band) #secondary/primary
sol = orbitsolve(orbit, epoch)
Δra = raoff(sol) # in mas
Δdec = decoff(sol) # in mas
cvis = cvis .+ cvis_bin(ddec=Δdec,dra=Δra,contrast=contrast,u=u[j],v=v[j])
norm_factor += contrast
cvis = cvis .+ 1. #add contribution from the primary primary
cvis *= 1. /(1. +norm_factor)
#compute closure phase
cp = closurephase(vis=cvis,index_cps1=i_cps1[j],index_cps2=i_cps2[j],index_cps3=i_cps3[j])
#compute squared visibilities
vis2 = abs.(cvis).^2

cp_all = append!(cp_all,[cp])
vis2_all = append!(vis2_all,[vis2])

new_vis_like_table = Table(epoch=epochs, u=u, v=v, cps_data=cp_all, dcps=dcps,
vis2_data=vis2_all, dvis2=dvis2, index_cps1=i_cps1,

# return with same number of rows: band, epoch
# position(s) of point sources according to orbits, θ_system

return VisibiltiesLikelihood(new_vis_like_table)


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