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Home Gym

A workout log that you can access over wifi from your home gym. It includes an HTTP server with an embedded web app and an embedded database.

Home Gym requires authentication for access and supports multiple users. Users are authorized to access only their own data.

General Status

The app is in MVP state. It's been tested in Chrome on a MacBook Pro and on an Android device. Test cases included only weightlifting exercises.

Build and Install

  1. Run the script.
  2. Copy the binary from the bin folder to the computer that will run it.
  3. On the host computer, create an environment variable named HOMEGYM_DB_PATH with the path to the directory where you want the database files to be stored.
  4. Double-click the binary to run it. To stop it, press Ctrl+C.

How To Use

  1. In a web browser, go to http://<ip or hostname>/homegym/signup/ and create an account.
  2. Go to http://<ip or hostname>/homegym/login/ to log in.
  3. On the Exercises page, define some exercises.
  4. On the Activities page, define some activities and add exercises to them.
  5. On the Home page, add workout entries for the activities.

Track Failed Reps

Exercises that use sets and reps to express volume can optionally track failed attempts. Failed attempts is a useful metric for skill-based exercises such as the snatch and the clean and jerk.

General Architecture

  flowchart LR

    api[" 🔒" REST API]
    gw[ API Gateway]
    wa[Web app]

    user --> wa --> gw
    gw -->|ID| auth --> dal --> db
    api --> wa
    auth -->|token|gw
    gw -->|token|api --> wl --> dal

Back End

An HTTP server implemented in Go using BadgerDB for storage.

Exercise Types

ExerciseType defines exercises in terms intensity and volume. It is a factory for ExerciseInstance objects that hold information about the performance of an exercise. ExerciseType also validates the data.

A limited number of intensity types and volume types are used to define how to express the performance of an exercise. For example, squats use weight as intensity and sets and reps to indicate volume. Tempo runs can use heart rate zones as intensity and time as volume.

Exercise performance data is stored in the same format for all exercises. The VolumeConstraint property indicates how volume data should be interpreted.

direction LR
    class ExerciseType{
        Name string
        ID string
        IntensityType string
        VolumeType string
        VolumeConstraint int
        validate() error
        validateInstance() error
        CreateInstance() ExerciseInstance

    class volumeTypes {
      << collection >>
      id string

    class intensityTypes {
      << collection >>
      id string

    class volumeConstraints {
       << collection >>
     enum int

    class ExerciseInstance{
      TypeID string
      Index int
      Segments []ExerciseSegment

    class ExerciseSegment{
      Intensity float32
      Volume [][]float32

    ExerciseType --> ExerciseInstance :creates
    ExerciseInstance o-- ExerciseSegment
    ExerciseType ..> volumeTypes
    ExerciseType ..> intensityTypes
    ExerciseType ..> volumeConstraints

Signup and Login

/_ cSpell:disable _/

Actor user

box rgb(75,56,54) HTTP Server
Participant fs as fileserver
Participant gw as api gateway
Participant ah as authHandler

Participant wl as WorkoutLog
Participant a as auth
Participant db as dal/database

rect rgb(50, 50, 50)
Note left of user: Signup
user->>fs: GET /homegym/signup/
fs->>user: signup.html
user->>ah: form POST /homegym/signup
ah->>wl: call NewUser()
wl->>a: hash password
a->>wl: return
wl->>db: add user records
db->>wl: return
wl->>ah: return
ah->>user: 302 StatusFound redirect to /homegym/login/
rect rgb(50,50,50)
Note left of user: Login
user->>fs: GET /homegym/login/
fs->>user: login.html
user->>ah: form POST /homegym/login
ah->>a: call IssueToken
a->>db: read user records
db->>a: return password hash
a->>db: create session
db->>a: return
a->>a: schedule session deletion
a->>db: read private key
db->>a: return
a->>ah: return sessionID, JWT
ah->>user: 302 /homegym/home/ + sessionID, userID, and token cookies
rect rgb(50,50,50)
Note left of user: GET home page
user->>gw: GET /homegym/home/ + cookies
gw->>ah: call ValidateToken
ah->>db: read session
db->>ah: return session
Note over ah: session not expired
ah->>db: read private key
db->>ah: return
Note over ah: token is valid
ah->>gw: return refreshed token
gw->>user: index.html + token cookie

/_ cSpell:enable _/

Badger DB Schema

/_ cSpell:disable _/

Key Value passed to/from dal Description
user:{id}#id string username used to log in
user:{id}#email string email address
user:{id}#phash string password hash
user:{id}#version int version of user record
user:{id}#event:{date}#id:{id}#activity:{id} []byte activity name
user:{id}#event:{id}#exercise:{id}#index:{index}#instance []byte exercise instance
user:{id}#activity:{id}#name string activity name
user:{id}#activity:{id}#exercise:{id} string exercise type id
user:{id}#exercise:{id}#type []byte exercise type value
tokenkey:{keyID} []byte token key
pepperkey:{keyID} []byte pepper key
session:{sessionid}#userID:{userID}#expires int64 session expiration time
user:{id}#activity:{id}#program:{id} []byte training program
user:{id}#program:{id}#instance:{id} []byte A run of a program
user:{id}#activity:{id}#active-program string {programID}:{instanceID}

/_ cSpell:enable _/

Event Keys:

  • primary sort by date
  • enable query by date range
  • enable query by activity
  • enable query by exercise type

Front End

A single-page app implemented in Vue.js using Quasar components. You can probably tell that this is my first SPA.