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Contains non-backwards compatible changes to public methods or changes the behavior of existing code
🐛 Bugfix
🐛 Bugfix
Contains only a small fix for an existing bug
🤯 Complex
🤯 Complex
PR with extensive changes that should be reviewed with extra care
⬆️ Dependencies
⬆️ Dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
🧬 Enhancement
🧬 Enhancement
Contains new features
🔥 Hotfix
🔥 Hotfix
PRs that fix a major bug and can be hotfixed
🖐 Keep open
🖐 Keep open
Should not be merged
🛠️ Maintenance
🛠️ Maintenance
Translations, Code Cleanup, ...
🎁 Next version
🎁 Next version
Not part of the current version we are working and should not be merged
⎇ Sidebranch
⎇ Sidebranch
PR does not aim develop
👶🏻 Trivial
👶🏻 Trivial
Easy to review
🕔 Wait for sirius
🕔 Wait for sirius
Needs new version from another sirius lib to work