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Use to switch between previously defined comment blocks in project files to change environment from development to production and back.


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Use to switch between previously defined comment blocks in project files to change environment from development to production and back.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-dev-prod-switch --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "dev_prod_switch" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named dev_prod_switch to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

    dev_prod_switch: {
        options: {
            environment: 'dev',
            env_char: '#',
            env_block_dev: 'env:dev',
            env_block_prod: 'env:prod'
        all: {
            files: {
                'app/index.html': 'app/index.html',
                'app/js/main.js': 'app/js/main.js'


    dev_prod_switch: {
        options: {
            // Can be ran as `grunt --env=dev` or ``grunt --env=prod``
            environment: grunt.option('env') || 'dev', // 'prod' or 'dev'
            env_char: '#',
            env_block_dev: 'env:dev',
            env_block_prod: 'env:prod'
        dynamic_mappings: {
            files: [{
                expand: true,
                cwd: './',
                src: ['*.html'],
                dest: './'


In html or ColdFusion type of files place the code depending on environment as follows:


<!-- env:dev -->
    <h1>For devs eyes only</h1>
    <p>This will be visable in 'dev' environment</p>
<!-- env:dev:end -->

<!-- env:prod -->
    <h1>For everyone</h1>
    <p>This will be visable in 'prod' environment</p>
<!-- env:prod:end -->


In C, Java, JavaScript type of files place the code depending on environment as follows:


/* env:dev */
    function add(a,b) { 
        console.log('ADD: ' + a + ' + ' + b + ' = ' + (a + b));
        return a+b;
/* env:dev:end */

/* env:prod */
    function add(a,b) { 
        return a+b;
/* env:prod:end */


Using in Gulp without plug-in

// Options to switch environment (dev/prod)
var env_option = {
    env_dev: 'env:dev',
    env_prod: 'env:prod',
    blocking_char: '#'

 * dev
 * Change environment to "development"
 * Use: gulp dev
gulp.task('dev', function() {
    var files = [
    files.forEach(function(file) {
        var content = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8")
            .replace(new RegExp("<\!-- " + env_option.env_dev + " --" + env_option.blocking_char + ">","gi"), '<!-- ' + env_option.env_dev + ' -->')
            .replace(new RegExp("<\!-- " + env_option.env_prod + " -->","gi"), '<!-- ' + env_option.env_prod + ' --' + env_option.blocking_char + '>')
            .replace(new RegExp("\/\* " + env_option.env_dev + " \*" + env_option.blocking_char + '/',"gi"), '/* ' + env_option.env_dev + ' */')
            .replace(new RegExp("\/\* " + env_option.env_prod + " \*\/","gi"), '/* ' + env_option.env_prod + ' *' + env_option.blocking_char + '/');
        fs.writeFileSync(file, content);

 * prod
 * Change environment to "production"
 * Use: gulp prod
gulp.task('prod', [], function() {
    var files = [
    files.forEach(function(file) {
        var content = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8")
            .replace(new RegExp("<\!-- " + env_option.env_prod + " --" + env_option.blocking_char + ">","gi"), '<!-- ' + env_option.env_prod + ' -->')
            .replace(new RegExp("<\!-- " + env_option.env_dev + " -->","gi"), '<!-- ' + env_option.env_dev + ' --' + env_option.blocking_char + '>')
            .replace(new RegExp("\/\* " + env_option.env_prod + " \*" + env_option.blocking_char + '/',"gi"), '/* ' + env_option.env_prod + ' */')
            .replace(new RegExp("\/\* " + env_option.env_dev + " \*\/","gi"), '/* ' + env_option.env_dev + ' *' + env_option.blocking_char + '/');
        fs.writeFileSync(file, content);


options.environment (requered)

Type: String Default value: NONE

A string value that is used to do define the environment.

options.env_char (optional)

Type: String Default value: '#'

Default character to block the comment.

options.env_block_dev (optional)

Type: String Default value: 'env:dev'

Override the default string of the comment. So the task will be searching for <!-- env:dev --> comment blocks

options.env_block_prod (optional)

Type: String Default value: 'env:prod'

Override the default string of the comment. So the task will be searching for <!-- env:prod --> comment blocks


Use to switch between previously defined comment blocks in project files to change environment from development to production and back.








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