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This repo is about my learning from terraform.

Sample code

  • Sample code is under the modules folder in this project. Its not extensive but basic stuff.

Terrform folder structure

- modules/project


  • Represent any of the cloud provider
  • Provider block allows you to define provider and the configuration for it.
provider "aws" {
  region = "eu-west-2"


  • Terraform stores is state locally in the file called terraform.tfstate.
  • Storing Terraform state locally is good only when doing local development.
  • In real life and production environment, you will like to store your Terraform state in some remove repo so that you and your team can collaborate and your infrastructure is consistent.
  • Backend is a concpet which is used to define a remote storage for your tfstate file.
  • Terraform provides various option which can used as Backend. e.g local, artifactory, azure, etcd, gcs, http, inmem, s3
  • Below is the syntax for your backend definition.
terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket = "sj-tf-state-bucket-uk" # name of the s3 bucket (exisiting) which will be used to store the tfstate file
    region = "eu-west-2" # region of your bucket.
    key = "sj-test-tf.tfstate" # name of the terraform state file
  • Thing to pay attention is that which ever resource you use to store the tfstate file should already exist. In above example the bucket sj-tf-state-bucket-uk should already present.
  • You should pre-create your backend resource either manually or through cli.


  • Different resource avaliable from your cloud provider.
  • e.g aws has resource like ec2-instance, vpc, elb etc
  • terrafrom has its own naming convention but all aws resource will have corresponding option in terrafrom
resource "aws_instance" "my_test_ec2" {
  ami = "ami-43242fsd"
  instance_type = "t2-micro"


  • Every resource has some metadata about it. E.g every ec2 instance has ami, instance_type, key_pair etc.
  • If you want to have know and use this information, data is the terrafrom way to do it.
  • Using data to get information about a resource is two step process.
  • First you have to tell which type of resource you are to get infromation about.
  • Second then use filters to narrow down the to the specific resource, about which you need information.
data "aws_instance" "myec2data" {
  tags = {
    name = "welcome"
  • In example above we are trying to find metadata about a aws ec2 instance which is taggged as name = "welcome"
  • using data is simple.
  resource "aws_instance" "myec2instance" {
  ami = "ami-43242fsd"
  instance_type = "t2-micro"
  key_name = data.aws_instance.myec2data.key_name


  • This is terraform way to make your script dynamic. Allows values to be passed on fly.
  • You can define variables using variable tf resource and then use it in your other tf resrouces.
  • variable can have default values or you can pass them as argument to your tf script.
variable "myec2tag" {
  default = "awesometag"
  description = "this is the awesome way to tag a ec2 instance"
  type =  string
  • using variable in your main tf script
resource "aws_instance" "myec2instance" {
  ami = "ami-43242fsd"
  instance_type = "t2-micro"
  tags = {
    name = var.myec2tag
  • passing variable from command line
terrafrom plan -var="myec2tag=besttagever"


  • locals are like constant in programming language.
  • They allow us to have central places to define common values which be used accross all other terrafrom resource.
locals {
  ec2-instnce-type = "t2.micro"
  • using locals is simple
resource "aws_instance" "myec2instance" {
  ami = "ami-43242fsd"
  instance_type = local.ec2-instnce-type


  • tfvars are ways to provide values to your variables defined.
  • Come handy when you have hunderds of variables as using `--var="var1=value1" wont be visuablly astetic nor easy to write.
  • tfvars allow you to create a file and define values for your variables.
  • you can pass this file to your tf script as below
  • tfvars file is key value pair file, where key is your variable name and value si the value.
  • tf file are stored with extention tfvars. Sample file dev.tfvars will look like this
myec2tag = dev-instance
  • using tfvars file in your terrafrom plan/apply
terrafrom plan -var-file="dev.tfvars"

variable interpolation

  • interpolation systax is "${something}"
  • variable interpolation was primarly used in Terraform 0.11 and has a sysntax like below
  • From Terraform 12 you can use below syntax for interpolation.
  • can used in the scenario when you have to prefix or suffix someting to a variable or want to perform some conditional assignment.


Comman Parameters

  • count to iterate/loop over a resurce
  • for_each
  • for

Command inbuilt function

  • length to determine the lenght of any array, string, etc
  • upper to change the case of a string to uppper
  • toset to flatten a arrar
  • map
  • file allow us to refer to a file on local system as input value

Useful terrafrom commands

  • terraform fmt - format our terrafrom files.


  • Modules are primarly used for reuse of code.
  • When using module your terrafrom project will have below structure
- Main Project
  - vpc_module
  - .
  - .
  - ModuleN

  • Modules can be used in the project as below
module "vpc_module" {
  source              = "./module"
  private_subnet_cidr = var.private_subnet_cidr # variables defined in the vpc_module
  public_subnet_cidr  = var.public_subnet_cidr # variables defined in the vpc_module
  vpc_cidr_block      = var.vpc_cidr_block # variables defined in the vpc_module
  • If you have defined variables in your modules and have default values assing to them then you have to provide those variables when using those modules in project








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