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NGINX reverse proxy with letsencrypt

It does the following..


mkdir -p $HOME/nginx-test/config
mkdir -p $HOME/nginx-test/nginx-config
mkdir -p $HOME/nginx-test/certificate
echo '
      "url": "",
      "proxy": "",
      "email": "",
      "https": false,
      "extra_config": "\\n#Some extra config\\n"
]' > $HOME/nginx-test/config/nginx.json
docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v $HOME/nginx-test/config:/app/config -v $HOME/nginx-test/nginx-config:/etc/nginx/generated.conf.d -v $HOME/nginx-test/certificate:/etc/letsencrypt sandeshshrestha/nginx-letsencrypt


Config string that describe proxy rules

  • url
    • Public url
    • DNS of this url should be forwarded to this container
  • proxy
    • IP and port of container hosing the website
  • email
    • Email used while calling certbot to create SSL certificate
  • https
    • If true it will auto create SSL certificate
    • If false it will only setup proxy for
  • extra_config
    • Some text that will be added on nginx conf.
    • It must be valid nginx confix syntax