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Go-TPM-Wrapping - Go library for encrypting values through Trusted Platform Module (TPM)


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Go-TPM-Wrapping - Go library for encrypting values through Trusted Platform Module (TPM)

Library to encrypt and decrypt data using a wrapping key thats encoded inside a Trusted Platform Module (TPM).

In other words, you must have access to the TPM that encrypted the data to decrypt the wrapping key

There are two modes to using this library:

  • Seal/Unseal

    To use this, you must have access to the same TPM for both encrypting and decrypting.

    When you encrypt data, it can ONLY get decrypted by that SAME TPM.

    see Seal/Unseal using a TPM's Storage Root Key (SRK)

  • Remote encryption

    To use this, you do not need a TPM to encrypt but you DO need a TPM to decrypt.

    This mode utilizes a TPM Endorsement Public Key (EKPub) to wrap the encryption key which can ONLY get decrypted by the TPM that owns the EKPub

    see Remote Sealed TPM Import

This is a a variation of

This library is NOT supported by google

Usage Seal

To use, simply initialize the wrapper as shown below, specify a path to the TPM and optionally the PCR values to bind against

import (
	wrapping ""
	tpmwrap ""

	wrapper := tpmwrap.NewWrapper()
	_, err := wrapper.SetConfig(ctx, wrapping.WithConfigMap(map[string]string{
		tpmwrap.TPM_PATH: "/dev/tpm0",
		tpmwrap.PCRS:     "23",

	// or as options
	// _, err := wrapper.SetConfig(ctx,tpmwrap.WithTPMPath("/dev/tpm0"), tpmwrap.WithPCRS("23"))	

	blobInfo, err := wrapper.Encrypt(ctx, []byte("foo"))

	fmt.Printf("Encrypted: %s\n", hex.EncodeToString(blobInfo.Ciphertext))

	plaintext, err := wrapper.Decrypt(ctx, blobInfo)
	fmt.Printf("Decrypted %s\n", string(plaintext))

See the example folder for an example:

cd example

## encrypt/decrypt
$ go run seal/main.go 
Encrypted: d67b83180ae269a148cb86c2bd69d0cfba55d4
Decrypted foo

## encrypt/decrypt and bind the data to the current values in
### PCR banks 16,23
$ go run seal/main.go --pcrs=16,23
Encrypted: 19d1fd5fefeb37ec0964d2219cf7eeea4b548b
Decrypted foo

## encrypt/decrypt and bind the data to the current values in
### PCR banks 16,23
### Extend PCR bank 23 and attempt to decrypt (which is expected to fail)

$ go run seal/main.go --pcrs=16,23 --extendPCR=23
Encrypted: e886b584b5637006134f2eb1e81d2d679eebee
Decrypted foo
======= Extend PCR  ========
   Current PCR(23) e71f0aa83cc32edfbefa9f4d3e0174ca85182eec9f3a09f6a6c0df6377a510d7   
   New PCR(23) 31206fa80a50bb6abe29085058f16212212a60eec8f049fecb92d8c8e0a84bc0Error decrypting failed to unsealing key: failed to certify PCRs: PCR 23 mismatch: expected e71f0aa83cc32edfbefa9f4d3e0174ca85182eec9f3a09f6a6c0df6377a510d7, got 31206fa80a50bb6abe29085058f16212212a60eec8f049fecb92d8c8e0a84bc0
exit status 1

Usage Import

To use this mode, you must first acquire the Endorsement Public Key (ekPub).

The ekPub can be extracted from the Endorsement Certificate on a TPM or on GCE, via an API.

To use tpm2_tools on the target machine

$ tpm2_createek -c primary.ctx -G rsa -u -Q
$ tpm2_readpublic -c primary.ctx -o ek.pem -f PEM -Q

## or from the ekcertt
$ tpm2_getekcertificate -X -o ECcert.bin
$ openssl x509 -in ECcert.bin -inform DER -noout -text
$ openssl  x509 -pubkey -noout -in ECcert.bin  -inform DER 

Copy the public key (ek to a remote host and save as encrypting_public_key)

On a remote machine:

import (
	wrapping ""
	tpmwrap ""

		b, err := os.ReadFile(*encrypting_public_key)

		wrapper := tpmwrap.NewRemoteWrapper()
		_, err = wrapper.SetConfig(ctx, wrapping.WithConfigMap(map[string]string{
			tpmwrap.ENCRYPTING_PUBLIC_KEY: hex.EncodeToString(b),
			tpmwrap.PCR_VALUES:            "",

		blobInfo, err := wrapper.Encrypt(ctx, []byte("foo"))

		eb, err := protojson.Marshal(blobInfo)

		err = os.WriteFile(*encrypted_blob, eb, 0644)

At this point, copy encrypted_blob to the machine with the TPM

On a TPM:

		wrapper := tpmwrap.NewRemoteWrapper()
		_, err := wrapper.SetConfig(ctx, wrapping.WithConfigMap(map[string]string{
			"tpm_path": *tpmPath,

		eb, err := os.ReadFile(*encrypted_blob)

		newBlobInfo := &wrapping.BlobInfo{}
		err = protojson.Unmarshal(eb, newBlobInfo)

		plaintext, err := wrapper.Decrypt(ctx, newBlobInfo)
		fmt.Printf("Decrypted %s\n", string(plaintext))

See the example/import folder.

The following encrypts some data and binds it to a PCR value

$ go run import/main.go --mode=encrypt  --encrypting_public_key=/tmp/ek.pem   \

# now copy scp /tmp/encrypted.dat to VM

Then on a machine with the TPM, run

go run import/main.go --mode=decrypt  --encrypted_blob=/tmp/encrypted.dat

This will decrypt the data

Note, if you encrypted the data to a pcr value, extend the PCR value successively will invalidate the key

eg, if the remote system has the following PCRs

$ tpm2_pcrread sha256:23
    23: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
$ tpm2_pcrextend 23:sha256=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
$ tpm2_pcrread sha256:23
    23: 0xF5A5FD42D16A20302798EF6ED309979B43003D2320D9F0E8EA9831A92759FB4B

you can encrypt the data and bind it to that PCR:

$ go run import/main.go --mode=encrypt  --encrypting_public_key=/tmp/ek.pem  \
   --pcrValues="23:f5a5fd42d16a20302798ef6ed309979b43003d2320d9f0e8ea9831a92759fb4b" \

but if you extend it, you can no longer decrypt

$ tpm2_pcrextend 23:sha256=0xF5A5FD42D16A20302798EF6ED309979B43003D2320D9F0E8EA9831A92759FB4B
$ tpm2_pcrread sha256:23
    23: 0xDB56114E00FDD4C1F85C892BF35AC9A89289AAECB1EBD0A96CDE606A748B5D71

and attempt to decrypt the data, it will fail with a policy check:

$ go run import/main.go --mode=decrypt  --encrypted_blob=/tmp/encrypted.dat
Error decrypting error decrypted key error: unseal failed: session 1, error code 0x1d : a policy check failed
exit status 1

As mentioned, you can acquire the ekPub for certain systems like GCP VM's via an API:

gcloud compute  instances create   tpm-device  \
      --zone=us-central1-a --machine-type=n1-standard-1    --tags tpm  \
	   --no-service-account  --no-scopes  \
	   --shielded-secure-boot --shielded-vtpm --shielded-integrity-monitoring \
	   --image-family=debian-11 --image-project=debian-cloud

gcloud compute instances get-shielded-identity  tpm-device --format="value(encryptionKey.ekPub)" > /tmp/ek.pem

External or library managed TPM reference

You have the option to allow the library to manage the TPM device or provide one externally.

Its preferable to allow the library to manage the device so the examples above shows that by default.

For external management, pass a handle as options.

	rwc, err := tpm2.OpenTPM("/dev/tpm0")

	_, err = wrapper.SetConfig(ctx, tpmwrap.WithTPM(rwc), tpmwrap.WithPCRS("23"))

since the device is not a string, you cannot set this as env-var or as a string config option; you must use tpmwrap.WithTPM()


Go-TPM-Wrapping - Go library for encrypting values through Trusted Platform Module (TPM)








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