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Releases: sailthru/tidyjson

tidyjson 0.2.2

15 May 17:17
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  • Adds a recursive flag to append_values_* and j* functions that allows the user to extract linearly nested values (e.g., {"key1": {"key2": "value"}})

tidyjson 0.2.1

23 Apr 11:11
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  • Update data examples to be simpler
  • Fix issue #40 to resolve CRAN submission warnings and notes
  • Readme syntax change

tidyjson 0.2.0

21 Apr 14:35
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Adds a comprehensive "Introduction to Tidyjson" vignette, and adds examples to help for all tidyjson verbs and clarifies their documentation. First release to be pushed to CRAN for public use. Also allows for direct use of all verbs on JSON character strings without first having to call as.tbl_json.

tidyjson 0.1.0

25 Sep 21:11
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tidyjson 0.1.0 Pre-release

First release of initial grammar for testing and feedback.