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Releases: sailthru/sailthru-mobile-react-native-sdk

Marigold React Native SDK 12.0.0

10 May 01:20
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Breaking Changes

This release removes all the deprecated functionality around clearing the device and setting custom device attributes. It also includes updates to support the latest versions of React Native. Due to changes to how React Native distributes its Android libraries, namely the move from storing them in node to fetching them from Maven Central, we have had to make changes that resulted in our minimum supported React Native version increasing to v0.71.0.

Marigold React Native SDK 11.0.0

19 Apr 00:29
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We've rebranded! The Sailthru Mobile React Native SDK is now the Marigold React Native SDK! There have been several important changes to the class and package names so make sure you check out our rebrand migration guide here.

The most important change is that the old SailthruMobile class is now Marigold! If you're a Sailthru customer you'll notice that some of the functionality has been moved out into a new EngageBySailthru class. This class now holds all the methods that only apply to Sailthru customers.

Sailthru Mobile React Native SDK 10.0.0

15 Dec 03:27
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This release updates the Android Native SDK from 17.0.3 to 19.1.0

Please refer to the native changelog at which includes new minimum versions for Java (17), Kotlin (1.8.22) and Android API (34).

Sailthru Mobile React Native SDK 9.0.0

17 Oct 21:42
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Auto Linking

The Sailthru Mobile React Native SDK now supports auto linking! This significantly reduces the complexity of integrating the SDK with a project. For more details, see the React Native section of our integration docs.

XCFrameworks Removed

The embedded iOS XCFrameworks in the react-native-sailthru-mobile package have been removed as they added considerable bloat to the package without adding a lot of value. If you need to access them these frameworks are still available in their respective releases on the iOS SDK repo

Sailthru Mobile React Native SDK 8.0.0

28 Aug 22:56
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This release contains both iOS and Android versions that have updated their persistent storage mechanisms, with iOS moving to CoreData and Android moving to Room. This change should happen seamlessly for the consuming apps, but some extra testing is recommended to ensure that there are no data migration issues when apps upgrade to this SDK version.

Push Registration

In order to support the release of Android 13, this release wraps the Android push permission request using the registerForPushNotifications method currently in use on iOS. On Android 13+ this will display the notification permission prompt, on earlier versions it is a no-op.

Sync Notification Settings

In order to support requesting push notification permissions the syncNotificationSettings method has been wrapped on both platforms. This can be called after the user has responded to the push permission prompt in order to tell the SDK to sync the latest notifications permissions with the Sailthru platform. Otherwise the settings will be synced automatically the next time the app is brought to the foreground.

Bug Fixes

  • Removes the lint block from the build.gradle that would cause gradle to throw a hard to diagnose error when using build tools version 31+.

Sailthru Mobile React Native SDK 7.0.1

30 Sep 22:04
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes the call to the native "setWrapper" method in RNSailthruMobileModule that was failing on the new native SDK version.

Sailthru Mobile React Native SDK 7.0.0

22 Sep 21:31
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This release updates to the latest native SDK versions:
Android v15.0.0
iOS v12.2.0

Sailthru Mobile React Native SDK 6.0.0

26 Apr 23:51
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This release adds support for Purchase Adjustments in Purchases. See our docs for more details.

It also updates the native SDK versions with the following important changes:

  • The iOS SDK is now distributed as an XCFramework
  • The Android SDK minSdkVersion is now 21

Sailthru Mobile React Native SDK 5.1.0

20 Aug 20:36
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This release adds promises to the Android implementations of the setUserId, setUserEmail and removeMessage methods. The results of these methods can now be handled on both platforms.

Sailthru Mobile React Native SDK 5.0.0

23 Jun 00:33
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This release removes all the old Carnival branding and moves to only publishing to the react-native-sailthru-mobile package. If you haven't already you will need to migrate to the repackaged classes. For more details see our rebrand migration guide here.

Bug Fixes

  • Repackages the Android classes from the default com.reactlibrary package to to avoid conflicts.