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TWAMP Client

TWAMP Client is a part of IP probe solution based on perfSONAR project. Whole probe is modular microservice solution based on docker containers. Client part is designed as stanalone solution with no requiremet for any external input connection. The configuration of the client which includes global configuration and list of IP addresses is periodicaly downloded from central side.


Installation of Docker with docker compose plugin is necessary on host machine.

Operation tests

The whole solution has been tested on ARMv7 (RPi) and AMD64 architecture (Desktop PC).


Almost everything is automated via docker compose. You just need to download the project and run docker compose build.

git clone
cd twamp_client
docker compose build


The input for docker compose is split into two files - docker-mpose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml. It is done due to provisioning automation. Common container configuration is stored in docker-compose.yml but everything which is site specific is a part of docker-compose.override.yml file. Site specific configuration can be easily generated during provisioning of the probe base on database data by ansible or any other automated solution. Everything else is same for all network sites.

Container configuration

  • Create volume
  • Change storage path in docker-compose.yml
  • Change hostname of client container (if necessary) in docker-compose.yml. The hostname is used as data source identification for metrics.
  • Basic configuration will be automaticaly populated during the first run; three new directovy will be created on your volume - bin/ cron.d/ and data/
  • Change URL and credentioal of config site in data/global_config.json in "ConfigSource" section.
  • Change crontabs according your needs if necessary

Directory structure

Directory Description
bin Executable scripts
cron.d Crontabs
data Dynamic configs downloaded from central site

Configuration files

File Name Description
cron.d/probe Crontab defining probe time cycle
cron.d/twamp_config_downloader Crontab for config downloader
data.d/twamp_global_config.json Basic global configuration; it will be overwrited after the first start by newly downloaded configuration file.

Twamp client configuration

  • Only update of the configuration files is possible in current version of the client container. The plan is to have possibility to update almost whole container functionality from central site in defined time interval at the end of the day.
  • There must be at least two files stored on URL configured in the section "ConfigSource" of twamp_global_config file - twamp_global_config.json and twamp_targets_list.json
  • The examples of configuration files are in config_example directory of the project.
  • There are two method how to download configuration files from central site. The method can be configured in main config file it can be 'web' or 'git'.


There are two section for current version of client container:

Section Description
ConfigSource Define URL and credentials for configuration downloader
Destination Define URL and passphrase for message colector (telegraf)

ConfigURL section parameters are different for git and web method. Configuration for git method:

Parameter Description
ConfigMethod git
ConfigURL Git URL where configuration files are stored. Username and password is is part of URL in standard form

Configuration for web method:

Parameter Description
ConfigMethod web
ConfigURL URL where configuration files are stored
ConfigUser User
ConfigPassword Password

Destination section parameters are:

Parameter Description
DestinationURL URL of telegraf collector
DestinationPassword Passphrase for telegraf collector in MD5 hash form


There is currently only one section - Targets. It includes array of targets' (twamp responders') parameters.

Parameter Description
IP IP address or DNS name of the twamp responder
DSCP DSCP mark for the test packet header
Custom_comment Comment string which is part of metric message


Create new container and start it:

PROBE_PREFIX=<probe_prefix> docker compose up -d

Network ports

There is no ports exposed outside of container.