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OpenWrt DHCP

This role handles DHCP server (Dnsmasq/odhcpd) configuration on OpenWrt targets.


This role has no special requirements on the controller.

It does, however, require a working Python installation on the target system or gekmihesg's Ansible library for OpenWrt on the Ansible controller.

Role Variables

  • dhcp_dnsmasq
    A dictionary of OpenWrt configuration settings for Dnsmasq. Keys are UCI options, values are their values. Refer to the documentation for valid values and what they do. Optional.
  • dhcp_odhcpd
    A dictionary of OpenWrt configuration settings for odhcpd. Keys are UCI options, values are their values. Refer to the documentation for valid values and what they do. Optional.
  • dhcp_pools
    A dictionary of OpenWrt configuration settings for DHCP pools. Dictionary keys are pool names and values are in turn dictionaries that describe the pool configuration. Of these dictionaries, the keys are UCI option names and value the respective configuration values. Refer to the documentation for valid values and what they do. Defaults to OpenWrt's default pools, i.e. provide DHCP on the lan interface and ignore the wan interface.
  • dhcp_static_leases
    A list of static DHCP leases. Each list element is a dictionary where the key are UCI option and value are their values. Refer to the documentation for valid values and what they do. Static leases are added to UCI as well as /etc/ethers. Optional.
  • dhcp_pxe
    A list of PXE booting options. Each list element is a dictionary where the key are UCI option and value are their values. Refer to the documentation for valid values and what they do. Optional.
  • dhcp_ipsets
    A list of Netfilter IP sets to populate. Each list element is a dictionary where the key are UCI option and value are their values. Refer to the documentation for valid values and what they do. Optional.
  • dhcp_relays
    A dictionary of OpenWrt configuration settings for DHCP relays. Dictionary keys are relay names and values are in turn dictionaries that describe the relay configuration. Of these dictionaries, the keys are UCI option names and value the respective configuration values. Refer to the documentation for valid values and what they do. Optional.
  • dhcp_dnsmasq_instances
    A dictionary of OpenWrt configuration settings for additional Dnsmasq instances. Dictionary keys are instance names and values are in turn dictionaries that describe the instance configuration (see dhcp_dnsmasq). Optional.
  • dhcp_dnsmasq_extra_options
    A dictionary of Dnsmasq configuration options to set. Keys are Dnsmasq options, values are their values. Refer to the documentation for valid values and what they do. For options that do not accept a value, set the value to true (e.g. no-hosts: true). Optional.
  • dhcp_dnsmasq_package
    The name of the package that provides Dnsmasq. Choices are dnsmasq-full and dnsmasq. The latter has fewer features but installed by default on OpenWrt. If the configuration requires features that are only available in the dnsmasq-full package, it is selected automatically. Note that switching between Dnsmasq packages may cause a short downtime of the DNS service. Default is dnsmasq.
  • dhcp_dnsmasq_enabled
    Whether to enable the dnsmasq service. Default is true.
  • dhcp_odhcpd_package
    The name of the package that provides odhcpd. Choices are odhcpd and odhcpd-ipv6only. The latter has fewer features but installed by default on OpenWrt. If the configuration requires features that are only available in the odhcpd package, it is selected automatically. Default is odhcpd-ipv6only.
  • dhcp_odhcpd_enabled
    Whether to enable the odhcpd service. Default is true.


This role does not depend on any specific roles.

Example Configuration

The following is a short example for some of the configuration options this role provides:

  local: "/example.lan/"
  domain: "example.lan"
  min_cache_ttl: 300
  max_cache_ttl: 3600
    - /
    - /
    ignore: true
    dhcpv4: server
    start: 100
    limit: 150
    leasetime: 12h
    dhcpv4: server
    start: 10
    limit: 40
    leasetime: 30m
  - ip:
    mac: 12:34:56:78:90:ab
    name: mail1.example.lan
    leasetime: 7d
  - ip:
    mac: fe:dc:ba:09:87:65
    name: mail2.example.lan
  neg-ttl: 1200
  dns-loop-detect: true
    - example.lan,mail1.example.lan,10
    - example.lan,mail2.example.lan,20
dhcp_odhcpd_enabled: false




Ansible role for DHCP server configuration on OpenWrt







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