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Scheduling GUI Apps

stagrlee edited this page Jan 13, 2013 · 7 revisions


The standard way of managing windows apps with Rundeck is to invoke jobs over Windows Remote Management or "WinRM". Lots of rundeck users use WinRM with great success. Issues have come up with the approach on later patch releases of Windows 2008, Vista, 7, and Windows 8 due to Session 0 Isolation for jobs that require GUI interactivity of devices traditionally managed by the graphics system of Windows. This problem is effecting newer style cloud applications that leverage the amazing processing capability of the graphics cards. This Isolation issue will also effect automated jobs using powershell to automate GUI applications through the COM programmatic interface.

Solution Overview

There are several approaches to working around Session 0 Isolation posted in numerous blogs. This solution uses Rundeck installed locally on the Windows machine to manage (start/stop/status) the Windows application suffering from Session 0 isolation. Normal implementation would implement a spoke and hub command distribution topology where one of more central Rundeck servers would invoke



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